By Charles E. Marshall March 14, 2020
Dear loyal readers-
I've changed my blog name again. Since I started this blog back in 2008 it has gone from "Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion" to "Marshall in the Middle" back to "Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion" and now "An American Voice". I feel the need to speak up for Americans, all Americans not just the left or the right which is why I chose "Marshall in the Middle". This title, however, comes off as just a little too "folksy" and it leans towards a humorous title that lacks serious solutions. I'd rather introduce my thoughts as being "An American" first and foremost with ideas that can help all Americans and stand as a living and breathing think tank for new ideas. Ideas to better society here in America and consequently even the world as America still often stands as a global example. In addition, "Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion" is too broad in its implied topic and is also a little too familiar and implies levity when that's often not my intent. I do still want to offer humor for my blogs but that will be more in the fabric of my thoughts and not the overall theme of the blog. Therefor, the name change. Also, in going with the more "formal" approach to this blog I've decided to sign off as Charles E. Marshall instead of Chuck Marshall for the same reasons mentioned above. I'll always be "Chuck" but for matters reflecting and perhaps affecting the nation I feel "Charles" makes the matter a bit more thoughtful.
** Note to readers, the name did not stick- I changed it back to Marshall in the Middle- but I can't delete though. I'm very sentimental. LOL
Very Sincerely,
Charles E. Marshall