Saturday, February 15, 2025

The People's Money Wasted by Closet Marxists

By Chuck Marshall 

                                                                        Karl Marx 

Dear loyal readers,  

     Tax Money,  Federal Revenues, Federal Treasury et al are the common reference to government money that is taken from the people.   No matter what you call it, the fact of the matter is that it is  ALL the people's money- therefore I contend any sort of Federal or state or local money be referred to as "The People's Money" to remind the people spending our money where it came from.  Not that it will stop them from doing it, but hopefully it will foment a bit of reluctance in them that they not be too cavalier wasting our money.  

      The government entities spending our money are being reviewed these days by DOGE- the Department of Government Efficiency run by Elon Musk- the richest man in the world.  It has been revealed that there seems to have been a movement of people determined to spread leftist and even Marxist ideas throughout the world this past 30 years using "the people's money".   People are free to spread and speak any way they like but this group of people has no right to use our money for such purposes unless elected representatives allow it.  Always at the consent of the people.   Nearly everything being found by DOGE was NOT at the consent of the people, thus disallowing any of these nefarious "charities" of any right to deny or complain at the money siphon being turned off.    

     What do I mean by Closet Marxist ?  What I really mean is in reference to what I've called "Mad King George" previously in this blog.  MKG encapsulates the "powers that be" of our times.  This includes;   The Legacy Media (also known as mainstream media also known as corporate media- including CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC,  and 90% of all major newspapers) - Academia (universities and most higher education- again around 90%) - Big Pharmaceutical and Big Food Companies - (all of them that have a high degree of influence through lobbying firms and through bureaucrats as we've discovered this month !)  - Hollywood (meaning 90% of all production companies- which typically stir the pot of how "unfair" Americans are)  and finally big Government - (Which is mostly federal here in the USA but even at the local level Marxists thrive in places such as California or Los Angeles.)  All of these groups have been acting as Mad King George- the tyrant that our country rebelled against back in 1776.  They tell us what to do and how to think and how to behave and what to teach our children and even what to allow our children to do with their bodies.  All people are a part of a "collective" in their mind.  Now it has become clear they have been using  our money to do the convincing that this is the way our society should go.  They are in the "closet" because nobody admits to being a Marxist and they probably don't think of themselves as "Marxists".  But they are.  

     Removing the talk of Capitalism VS Communism the reader must realize that a Capitalist can be a Communist at the same time-  the heads of most major corporations are very much in favor of "equality" but that philosophy stops when you get to the board room.  The board and corporate executives are "above the masses" just like Communist rulers.   There really is no difference.  So, then according to Brittanica a Marxist is :   "the political, economic, and social theories of Karl Marx including the belief that the struggle between social classes is a major force in history and that there should eventually be a society in which there are no classes".  So, that being said and understanding that in today's world you can be a capitalist and a communist at the same time- I would now define this new group of rulers (Mad King George)  as "Closet Marxists" and the way I define them is in this way;  

     Those who subjugate all individuals in order to elevate themselves in their own mind as being virtuous. This process of limiting the power of the ordinary person but then elevating other people according to their race, sexual preference, or even mental illness.  Even it these people are the less intelligent, more lazy,  drug addicted, alcoholic, less talented, and even more violent characters they recieve undeserved elevation in the minds of Marxists through their victimhood.   In stark contrast to the words of Martin Luther King, the "content of their character" is the least important issue.  These "Closet Marxists" have deemed themselves judge, jury and executioner of perceived wrong in society that only THEY can correct by taking OUR money and using it to lecture all of us about how unfair we are.  

That is why I titled this week's blog the way I did.  

Have a great week !  

Friday, February 7, 2025

USAID Criticism by "An American Voice" Published in the Orlando Sentinel

 By Chuck Marshall 

Dear loyal readers-- My words flowed from the local newspaper again-  the Orlando Sentinel- which is always appreciated.  I was especially surprised they printed my pointed criticism of them, which does say a lot for them,  that at least they don't deny their laziness.   I wonder though if they also get massive "subscriptions" from Washington, DC to keep them in line with what's coming out of the Democrats' mouths ?   They are, after all, owned by the Chicago Tribune which in itself is very liberal.   As you all know by now the media has been subsidized by you and me as DOGE has revealed in their audit of this organization- USAID !  As if the entire mess of government isn't already infuriating, now we know the propaganda broadcasted by Politico,  the New York Times, and the Associated Press have all been shown to be subsidized by our tax money through this group.  All USAID's other highly dubious contributions aside, this alone is outrageous.  As we learn more and more it's becoming obvious that this looks more like money laundering than any sort of actual funding organization.  A trans opera in Columbia ?  A trans comic book in Chile ?  Can I see the comic book and the receipts for its cost ?  It sounds made up to me, and now you have to wonder where did that money land ?   As my letter implies, it looks like we are discovering why so many Congressmen are now very wealthy after they settle into Washington, DC and learn where to go to get their "pig rations".   

     Anyway, here it is: 


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tools and Fools of the Silent Tyrants

 By Chuck Marshall 

 Dear Loyal Readers- 

     You may have noticed I have some anger issues regarding the Democrat party.  You may think I'm laying it all on a little too thick, and that I need to "give them a break" and try to see some of the good they do and that I need to “lighten up” regarding their behavior over the last four years.  "Let bygones be bygones".  To this I say "nah".   The Democrat party is the mouthpiece and the government instrument of the Silent Tyrants.  They are the tools and fools used to rob us of truth, justice  and liberty.  They are the surface and the skin of the Marxists (for lack of a better word) that are strategically maneuvering to keep the individual in society toothless, flabby, and powerless.   They are the minions of the world's "Silent Tyrants" - whoever they may be.  These powers that rule over us through socialist and/or communist governments,  international corporations,  mass media- entertainment and a medical establishment of Doctors, pharmaceuticals, and insurance companies that have a vested interest in making and/or keeping us sick.   A military establishment, and a consortium of corporations throughout the world that have gained great wealth through wars and the death of our young people over needless conflicts.   An academia that is addicted to government "dole outs" and lucrative research projects that serve mainly to validate the “narrative” of the Silent Tyrants.  Let none dare to question the “settled” science.  

      Witness their check-list to remove peace and decency in order to maintain power and control.   Behold their nefarious contrivances;  a 12-step list to keep down the individual in our society which the Democrats have been following with great obedience for some time now.    

  1.   Establish a world without borders funneling power to the few. 
  2.   Make healthcare easily manipulated for profit through unrestrained pharmaceuticals, big food, medical associations, and insurance companies.   Keep them sick and needy. 
  3.  Support for the transgender delusion making hundreds of thousands of young people medical hostages to the medical establishment and field.  Lifelong patients.  In addition, use fear of losing their child to maintain obedience.  Threaten to remove the child  “for their own good” and put them under state care if the parents dare to resist. 
  4.  Social engineering to "balance things out" leaving gifted students with no direction or inspiration and lazy stupid children with more power and control over the rhythm of the classroom creating chaos and a LACK of education .
  5.  Engineer a media and entertainment "state of mind" that offers deep dislike, even intense hatred of white people, families,  masculinity, alternative medicine, rational thought, and conservative people in general - especially if they are conservative blacks, females or homosexuals.  That's not suppose to happen.  They aren't maintaining their position as victims in society.   
  6.   Avoid any common sense solutions for a struggling nation and offer simple minded solutions to complex problems especially if it involves removing powers of the individual. Ban guns.  Tax rich people.  Outlaw carbon based fuels. 
  7.   Hire people based on their race or sexual preference or sexual confusion ONLY.  This serves two purposes- it allows the "useful idiots" to virtue signal how wonderful they are without requiring anything of them to actually do.  All they have to do is feel.   Also, it prevents the best qualified for many positions creating more chaos, confusion,  and frustration in the workplace.  This prevents any upwardly mobile people from trying to be- upwardly mobile.  Just say "no" to meritocracy !   
  8.  Spend money with absolutely no restraint perhaps even bankrupt the United States.  The poorer they are the more dependent they are on you and the more willing they are to give up more liberties in order to eat.  
  9.  Openly shield convicted murderers, rapists, child traffickers and drug dealers from incarceration creating communities of fear and violence and degradation.  Keep them  frightened and cowering in their homes. 
  10.  Make use of our  “useful idiots” (as Joseph Stalin referred to them) to maintain control under the auspice of being “kind” and “good” yet without any solutions to the problem at hand.  Just feeling kind and good is enough.  Give them a victim to fawn over and feel sorry for and then watch the Peacocks’  “feathers of virtue” unfold for all to see. 
  11.   Have an abundance of generosity with the American people's money to give out to   whoever is necessary to maintain power and control.  Don't worry about the cost- it's not your money anyway !  
  12.  Whatever you do, don't allow much of any inspection of American history or civics lest the little Americans understand at a very young age what vile creatures we truly are.   Don't let it be revealed or noticed that the power of the individual is ingrained in the Constitution.  Let "We the people" morph into "We the bureaucracy" full of waste and greed and selfishness and lies.  


     So, my loyal readers,  you see, the Democrat party is the face of these Silent Tyrants and I will not "give them a break" 'nor "let bygones be bygones".   The Democrats -whether they understand it or not  (which is irrelevant)  are in support of the Silent Tyrants and they have not shied away from this position since they lost the election.  They won't shy away from the culmination of their reason for being since the Civil War- to keep the individuals down and under rule of the government- whether it be freed slaves or the working class.  To tax and diminish the individual in society consequently elevating the Silent Tyrants. They are a controlling, sanctimonious,  condescending  people with no solutions but plenty of pity to go around.  They are the tools and fools.   In conclusion,  I will not let up.  I will continue to hold my foot on their throat.  I will not let them come up for air until I see their satanic body go limp. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Democrat Party : Incompetent and Traitorous

 By CE Marshall

                                               The Face of the Democrat Party

     These days the Democrats are struggling mightily after losing badly in the last election to a convicted felon (via a Kangaroo court of their creation).  This included losing the popular vote by over 2 Million votes and losing all 7 swing states (as the media deemed them).  They lost the House of Representatives.  They lost the Senate.  They lost, even with the full throttled support of the  mainstream media and soft-ball interviews that were edited to make Kamala Harris look good (or actually, not as bad).  They lost even with massive amounts of money being thrown at them by celebrities and George Soros types of supporters.  Billions of dollars pissed away like only Democrats can piss money away.  Today they are drowning in their own mendacity and incompetence as they review the past several months.   To add to it all, the local Democrat leadership in California and Los Angeles have proven that even at the local level of governing the Democrat party is incapable.  Fires rage through Los Angeles this month at an astonishing rate and we're told the fire hydrants were not working.  Fires in California are like hurricanes in Florida,  they are going to happen,  and yet we discover as they rage through homes, mansions and businesses that the city was not prepared for the firestorm that is raging even today as I write this blog.  The stories I hear are the reservoirs of LA were not even filled after two years of record rains.  Budgets for fire prevention were cut to make way for support of illegal immigrants and the DEI experiment that the Marxist wing of their party shoved down our country's throat for four years.   I will not bore the reader with all the rumors and finger-pointing going on right now, but "true to form" their Democrat governor "Gavin Newsom" is accepting NO responsibility for the situation 'nor is the mayor of LA who cries racism if anyone suggests she failed miserably and absolutely.  

    That denial, that lack of personal responsibility, that lack of preparedness and that absolute incompetence is what the Democrat party is today.  It's always somebody else's fault.  It's global warming, it's white people, it's white privilege, it's asian privilege, it's hispanic machismo, it's climate change deniers, it's misogyny, it's....  The list goes on and on, but keep in mind it's never the Democrat party itself OR the Democrat party member themselves.  They are the party that pities the violent offender because he or she had a "rough upbringing".   They pity the illegal immigrant because they are poor and dark skinned.  Nevermind that they could stay in their own country and work to change things THERE.  We're not sending them to prison folks, we're sending them to their own damn country !!  They "virtue signal" because expressing pity is so easy and cheap and it requires nothing of the one that pities- except- well- pity.  The irony is that pity, that emotion they feel for the "underprivileged" is in itself a form of racism.  What they're saying is they- ALL people of color are incapable of succeeding in our society and need their "help" to get by.  They need retribution for past wrongs from centuries ago, as an example.   That is the worst form of racism, the one that sees them as lesser people that need protection and extra "help".  How insulting is that when you think about it ?  

     Their greed for power and control of government at the expense of those in society and communities that really DO want to help is who they are.  Witness their defense of a crack-head threatening a subway of innocent people in New York City.  Witness their defense of violent immigrants sucking at the tit of government - a group of millions of people who broke into our country lured by free support from these very traitors.  Witness their disregard for laws that get in the way of their power.  Witness their insistence on "no voting restrictions" - a concept that gives their party a clear advantage and ability to cheat because illegal immigrants are going to vote for them-  the hand that feeds them.  Witness their ever-present support from the legacy media that benefits from a powerful Democrat party because they are much more able to curry favor in government halls for their sponsors.   That's their game after all, to control the purse strings and redistribute as long as redistribution starts with them !   In addition, the media is looking for the "first" this and the "first" that.  They are looking to alarm the people with horror stories of how bad things are - it sells newspapers (so to speak) and yields' clicks.  

     At the end of the day they are without truth, justice or liberty.  They are about themselves and their egos and their money and they don't care what decent people they trample to get to all of it. They are despicable traitors to our country.  IMHO 

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Silent Tyrants and Climate Change

 By Chuck Marshall


                                                        ALL AMERICAN APPLE PIE 

     I've written about Climate Change before in this blog and I've always felt it is a concern to be addressed.  Now, as we see how much the *Silent Tyrants of contemporary society cling to Global Warming (aka Climate Change) as the "boogey man" behind all things that go bad in the weather I have suspicions that it has been an "accepted science" only by a "preferred" circle of scientists.  We're led to believe weather problems did not exist before internal combustion.  The fact is that hurricanes, wild-fires, tornadoes, rainstorms,  snowstorms, and ALL bad weather have always existed on our planet.  I'm no longer totally convinced it's a consequence of my Ford Edge sitting innocently in my driveway.   Let me amend that last statement.   I see it as inconclusive.  Maybe it is, maybe it is not.   I want to hear the debate openly spoken without the muzzle that the Silent Tyrants place on any outside thoughts on the matter.   They repeatedly insist "it's accepted science" but my understanding is it is "accepted" by some but not necessarily  all climate scientists.   As I understand the matter, the government literally WILL NOT fund any scientist that does not accept Global Warming as a "real thing".    If you want government funding, then you better at least pretend you're "on board" for Climate Change.  I've seen many posts on social media that demonstrate the science of "global warming" is NOT settled.  For example, Al Gore, the  Democrat VP under President Bill Clinton is the one that started this trend in his book "An Inconvenient Truth".  He demonstrated with table after table in his presentations and movie (of the same name)  back in the early 2000's of alarming predictions regarding a melted North Pole and flooded coastal cities.  Most of his predictions should have happened several years ago.  It's 2025, but here we are and much of it has not happened.  His predictions were wrong.  Does that mean GW is not true ?  No, it means there needs to be open debate regarding the severity of global warming between intelligent independent thinkers and not ideas handed down by the Silent Tyrants.  Let it be discussed and stop shrieking at anyone who dares to question the situation.  When people refuse to even hear another opinion, that's when I know to look closer and think for myself.  It's as American as apple pie, but may all people of our planet partake of this;  think and speak freely.    

*The Silent Tyrants are what I refer to as the oppressors of mankind, the Marxists of the 21st century.  I use to refer to this group in this blog as "Mad King George" - a historical reference to the King of England when American fought for its independence from the UK.   Many on the right refer to them as "Deep State"- but I think that misses the mark because it implies it's all behind the government, but the reality is it's much broader.  I now see Silent Tyrants as a better moniker.  Whether it be corrupt government,   greedy corporations, sanctimonious talking heads of the mass media,  or condescending academia.  All are strung together, whether by intent or organically (does it matter which?) as an entity of people bent on their own welfare at the expense of free thought and action among the ordinary person.   Their motto might be "We know better than you the people".   But, by far the best comparison and the best word to describe their philosophy in terms of modern politics and world philosophy is Marxism.