I posted again on FB today my humble opinion regarding politics. I cannot help myself. I'm a zebra with stripes. A cheetah with spots. A frog with a ribbit. I am what I am. Anyway, what was my "beef" today ? I can't stand the idea that I have friends on FB that have actually blocked my posts or would potentially de-friend me if I uttered a political comment to the contrary of their own opinion. It's just so immature and dimwitted and really, at the end of the day.. boring ! Why shy away from debate- aren't people curious why some people think the way they do ? I love hearing opinions, even if they aren't my own. My problem is when an opinion or category of opinions is muzzled. It tells me the people doing the muzzling are up to no good because they cannot debate. They have no answer but to shut you up. That's not what our country is about. We will NEVER solve our problems until we start listening to each other.
The Mainstream or corporate media is the most guilty of this. They want to control the thoughts of people not listen to other ideas. Why don't they see that the concept of hearing opinions equally and fairly debated is actually quite interesting AND can be entertaining ! Maybe even more entertaining than hating Donald Trump !
Anyway, here's what I said;
"I am very vocal with my opinion because that's just who I am. I care about every FB friend I have but I often wonder about people not willing to hear other opinions. I know some people have un-friended me and blocked me for disagreeing with them and for expressing an opinion "too far to the right" or horror of horrors- defending Prez Trump. To those people that defriend people for their opinions I want you to know that I feel sorry for you for living such a shallow, narrow minded, uninteresting life in an echo chamber. This is a free country, if you want controlled thought then move to China, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea. In those countries there's never a contrary thought because if it comes up that thought goes to prison along with the human thinking it."
In My Humble Opinion !