Merry Christmas
By Charles Eldridge Marshall
I must apologize for slacking on my little blog here. It has been such a joy to ignore the news this past few months, I've been having a hard time going back to it. I suppose I must., but it was nice while it lasted. I think we should all take a break from the realities of the world and just live in our micro world with our families and friends and coworkers and local communities every once in a while to get a respite. Enjoy them for what they are. The bad news will continue as long as the media sees it attracts eyeballs and a good percent of the public is addicted to what they serve. So, I understand the situation and I wish I could stay in my hole but in the New Year 2022 I will work to get back into the realities of our "Age of Incompetence" and the reign of "Mad King George" (if you don't know what that means, read my blog from a few months back- April 14th "Vaccines for all brought to you by Mad King George" ".)
Anyway, as I wrap up 2021 and 'splain myself a little, I pause to honor the season. I'm not speaking of all the puffery of Christmas. The holiday of Christmas is nearly 100% bogus because it's based on a Roman pagan holiday that enveloped the Christian faith as the Roman Empire adopted and absorbed it back in the 300-400's AD. December 25th was a sacred Roman holiday and that's why we celebrate on the 25th. So, the details of the holiday are based on lies. Much of what the Romans did to the Christian faith was an instrument of the Catholic church (the Catholics were a Christian sect in Rome that merged their beliefs with pagan Roman holidays in order to gain favor with the powers of Rome). Their beliefs in Priests and Nuns and other forms of control through ceremony were obvious pagan forms of worship that have nothing to do with Jesus Christ but everything to do with public opinion of the day and their greed for power that lasted 1000 years. Catholics stomped out all other Christian sects over the next few centuries in order to fill the power vacuum created by the fall of the Roman Empire. That's just the facts.
But, let me step back and elaborate a little without getting too deep into my own faith. I honor the Christmas season because of what it truly says and conveys to the human race. What it says is that we have a purpose no matter how humble we begin in life as individuals. At the beginning of this life we are all equal in the eyes of our Creator. What we do with our lives is up to us, and nobody else. We are here to grow and learn and mature as spiritual beings and that could also mean failure. There is hope because, if you're open to it, that Creator is with you and ready to help you- although not according to your specific dictations or wants, necessarily. The Holy Trinity is the concept that the Father created us, the Son assured us, and the Holy Spirit dwells within us. These can only be true if you accept them as true, that is, if you have faith even against great adversity such as being born in poverty or being crucified for standing for your principles. You will be inspired to do good for other people because you want to not because it's what's expected. Not "to be seen by others" as Jesus regarded the religious leaders of his time. In the end there will be comfort and resurrection because you're inspired to love on your own.
"Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying "This is the way; walk in it"." Isaiah 30:20-21.
Merry Christmas Readers !