Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion on Abortion
By Charles Eldridge Marshall
This letter I wrote in response to an editorial in my local paper- "The Orlando Sentinel". It is "pro-life" so I asked them not to publish it, but I feel comfortable publishing it here on my blog. I have 22 followers on this blog, which is read by more moderate to conservative readers (after all, Truth is in the title). This makes me more comfortable than to publish it in the newspaper where the vast majority of readers are pro-choice and more than willing to riot if things don't go their way. What a group.
The title of the editorial was "Women Will Lose Control of Their Bodies. Who's Next ?"
Here it my response;
I'll start out with the obvious. Women have control of their body when they have sex with a man. They can control who, what, where, and when and they control if birth control is used. Second. Pointing out that most Republicans are white and male and are "scheming" is highly offensive to me. White men, more than any other group of people, are expected to choke down bigoted comments from the media but I'm calling you out on it. You're bigots. Third. This is a huge issue that should have been brought to the people over 50 years ago, not a decision made by judges. We live in a nation of laws decided by the people, not by elites in the courts or by sanctimonious talking heads. Anyway, it SHOULD be that way. That would have been an interesting and thought provoking concept to explore. Your hysterical article and your political theater, as usual, ignores that a large percentage of the population sees abortion as murder. Just because you don't see it that way doesn't make it any less true for those people. Your lack of consideration for that point of view is narrow-minded and tyrannical. I recognize that this article was on the "opinions page" but the news articles today were all very obviously "pro-choice" and you didn't even try to hide it. The "Doctors" that warned this decision would be deadly on page 2 turned out to be one Dr. (not plural- it was one) and she's in charge of a Planned Parenthood group here in Florida. Really ? That's your source of a sound and balanced news opinion ? The tone of your editorial was foreboding as if the end of civilization is at hand. Hysterical.
The funny thing is, I used to be "pro-choice", then I became "moderate" on the issue. But, I watched as all open conversation became so one-sided in the media that anyone with any contrary opinion was dismissed as misogynistic apes. I slowly considered the "pro-life" opinion and am currently leaning further and further in that direction. Why ? I see mob rule as a very dangerous aspect of the "pro-choice" opinion and the media's "full throttled" support is very disturbing to me. I don't want this published because you have created an environment where anyone that disagrees with your point of view regarding abortion is worthy of being harassed by marauding liberals. It becomes a "free for all" to harass conservative citizens who see life as starting at or right after conception. Is that really such a horrible opinion to have ? Abortion rights are threatened, but you and all mainstream media are the arbiters of a far more dangerous threat. The threat against free and opinion debate on most topics in modern America. People are afraid to speak their mind these days on many topics and that fear springs from people like you and that really pisses me off.
Once again, please don't publish any of this letter.
CE Marshall