Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion on Taxation
By Charles Eldridge Marshall
In the news is the latest scandal according to Republicans- the Dems are hiring 87,000 employees for the IRS and will soon be banging at your door to audit you- especially if you lean right. That might be true, but it could also just be that the IRS isn't able to police taxation effectively. The government- if you haven't heard- is close to going broke. Can't keep spending money that's not there !
Anyway, the reason for this blog today is to express my belief that a national sales tax would work far better than any income tax. Why tax people for working ? It doesn't make any sense. Consider that the harder we work the better we do, the more money we earn to spend thus creating more jobs and propelling the economy even more. The government wants to penalize that effort and that economy boosting activity by discouraging it with taxes. Ridiculous.
A sales tax could be used to tax consumption., which is far more detrimental to everyone. Too much eating makes you fat- too much petroleum use makes the planet's air dirty and may cause climate change. Too much alcohol makes you a drunk. Too much consumerism makes all of us superficial pricks. We could have higher taxes for the "sins" like cigarettes, alcohol and pot thus bringing in more money but also discouraging the use of any of them. Tax products that cause more pollution like paper- thus discouraging the public from buying products bad for the environment.
A national sales tax would be much better for controlling use of energy- a huge plus for tree huggers. We could have very low taxes for "green" projects like planting trees. Medications and healthy foods could go untaxed encouraging their use while also helping the sick with the expense of drugs. The list is endless. We could have a luxury tax on more expensive houses and cars and I would imagine it would become something to brag about for stuffed shirts; "I paid a 30% luxury tax on my Rolls Royce today". That's how people are ! Take advantage of it !
Stop taxing people for working. It's ludicrous.
In My Humble Opinion.....