By CE Marshall
Apathy Allows Political Parties to Flourish Despite Their Abject Failure
It's common conversation today in both conservative and liberal circles to lament the "craziness" going on and how our country is in "serious" trouble. I am no exception, however as an Independent I I tend to focus much of my wrath on the political parties and all they represent. Both parties have been leading our country for over 100 years and both parties have participated in establishing our gargantuan federal government, so blubberous and ineffective that nobody can even compute the national debt effectively. Meanwhile our cities are decaying and government programs can't keep the homeless off the streets. Court decisions that don't go the way of the left result in riots in the streets. There is no order. There is no safety in the streets. There is no peace. There is no justice. There is only the Republicans, the Democrats and the Bureaucrats.
Our country is being run by unelected bureaucrats and political lobbyists. If anyone doubts federal agencies are running our government I suggest they watch President Biden for a few minutes. He's certainly not running the government - it's doubtful he could run a copy machine. But someone is running it, and they've been doing it for a long time. They've been doing it for so long that the media of DC would never dare question their authority and power, so they ignore it, or probably participate. The true and decent search for truth is long dead. Now they are owned by mysterious corporations who pull the strings of power and money to their own benefit.
The fact that nobody really focuses on why we continue to vote for these people is testament to the fact that the media and the parties are partners in crime. If the media focused on the ineffectiveness of both parties it would be in public conversation enough for the people to have some confidence in considering alternatives. As it is, independent candidates are mostly ignored and if they show any sort of chance to win an election, they will scrutinize the candidate and magnify their faults to the point of forcing doubt into the peoples' minds. The parties must go on, I suppose.
That's all I have to say for this blog. The parties are the problem. I don't offer any solution and all I can do is try to vote Independent when I can. I am a registered Republican ONLY because Florida is a closed primary state so I cannot vote in primary elections unless I'm a member of a party. I am also a supporter of bringing power back to the states through the Convention of States movement (As I've written in this blog several times) but I'm appalled at how many well educated people have no idea what I'm talking about. The only solution is for people to stand up and start fighting back. Our founding fathers risked hanging for speaking against the King- what do we risk here today, in our time? Hardly anything except time and high blood pressure. Both are well worth the risk. The meaning behind this country is too important to let it die to apathy.