Saturday, August 31, 2024

An American Voice- Chapter 1 - The Snake of Incompetence

 By CE Marshall 

    Chapter 1:   The Snake of Incompetence – Off with its Head

                            Defining the Snake 

                        Liberté, égalité, fraternité - 'liberty, equality, fraternity'

     As I consider the frustrations regarding our government today, the daunting obstacles to restoring American Democracy keep surfacing in my mind and I'm sure in the minds of any thoughtful reader as well.  These obstacles are like four major parts of a snake, each of them functioning together, dependent on one another as they slither their way around Democracy constricting and rendering the ordinary citizen powerless.   The four parts are ;   The Lobbyists (and the moneyed interests behind them),  The Elections (and the moneyed interests behind them), The political parties (and the moneyed interests behind them),  and The media (and the moneyed interests behind them).   As you can see, at the root of all of these snake parts there is one very common denominator,  the money.   Money supports the head of the snake- what I call "Mad King George"- The mind and power behind the snake of incompetence that has been robbing us of our Democracy for over 100 years.  The head of these four parts must be removed.   Let's make Mad King George the King Louis of France in the 21st Century.  


       The lobbyists.  Our government is in the palm of all those interests with enough money to gain influence.  Usually this involves lobbyists that essentially hold our leaders "hostage" so that no Congressional leaders should expect financial support if things don't go the way of these moneyed interests in society.  The more notable lobbying organizations are Pharmaceuticals, Medical,  the insurance industry,  the oil industry, dairy industry,  packaged food industry, etc..... (even- alarmingly- foreign interests are getting in on the feast).  Have you noticed substantial good being done by our government to help the American Citizen regarding any of these groups?  No, of course not.  The lobbyists are not there to help the American people,  they are there to help themselves.  So then, how can our leaders claim to be representing the American people when the truth is so contrary and so obvious to all ? 

      The Elections.  In the 2012 national elections the following amount of money was spent by our so called leaders ;  The presidency;  $2,000,000,000.  House of Representatives; winner spent on average $1,400,000 and the average winning Senator spent $9,800,000!  More currently-
Between January 2023 and April 2024, US political campaigns collected around $8.6 billion for the 2024 House, Senate, and presidential elections.   I will refrain from “filling pages” for this book with more and more statistics.    I think the picture is clear;  Elections in the United States have become a profit center benefiting those within the confines of Washington, DC but certainly NOT those outside of DC.  The debate and process has become the center of attention for all involved making the service to “We the People” a quaint old fashioned idea- an afterthought.  In addition, there is no hope of an ordinary American with leadership skills and high moral standards to even make it into an election.   How can any ordinary American hope to ever run for a position of leadership when the cost for such an endeavor requires a "King's Ransom" for this ascension?  They can't.  That's why half of all Congress is occupied by millionaires.  If they're not millionaires, it's actually worse because these individuals are most assuredly in debt to a lot of people.  This will require a lot of favors and consequently a lot of "maneuvering" in our Capitol.  This activity will occupy much time and effort that would otherwise, rightfully be devoted to the good of the American citizens they represent. 

        The political parties;   The Democrats and Republicans.   These consummate enemies  have had all the power for far too long.  Not only do they have too much power, but they've turned the governing of the United States of America into a perpetual "Football Game".  All touchdowns and/or penalties are for the benefit of each team and the only group that always loses is the American citizen sitting in the stadium, frustrated at their lack of influence on the players below.   The power of the parties will continue as long as they stick to hating the opponent and swearing they will do all in their power to bring them down, no matter the consequences to the people themselves.  They've suckered us all into believing that the art of governing must be in perpetual dispute, a tug of war over ideology, a necessary evil.  In actuality, it is the job of our leaders to lead not argue.  Disagreements should be the exception, not the rule.  There are far too many American citizens who are hurt because this simple act of leadership is missing today.   I doubt it is their conscious intention (as a blithering herd, neither group really thinks or contrives anything other than stampedes to the latest inane frame of thought),   but the political parties have neutered the power of the American people by dividing us.   Removing money from the process would put anyone with a better idea of governing on an even keel with the political parties rendering them much less capable of calling the shots regarding how our government works. It would promote individuals with superior ideas to the position of power simply from their success as leaders with good ideas and good intentions.  No more infuriating need to “satisfy their base”, ie, the ideas that drive the other side of the aisle to alarm, panic, and obstruction. 

       The media, also known as "the enablers".   They criticize and provoke and instigate, and then sit back and watch the fun.  I'm sure they all enjoy the conflict with a bag of popcorn clutched in their claws, the same way human beings watch movies.  The media power brokers would most assuredly recoil at the idea of removing money from the election process.  Not only do they stand to lose a lot of revenue from political campaigns, but they also lose the pure joy of stirring the pot every 2-4 years and all the attention and “eyeballs” that this attention musters.   The reality is though, that over the last 10 years the public has lost most of their trust in the media and they could actually end up in a much better position if they listen to reason and consider jumping to the side of the people.  Some of the ideas in this book could actually be a benefit to the media because they would be the window through which we all watch a new process of election.  They could also, perhaps, learn what it is like to remark on productive and intelligent conversations, not the ludicrous circus they’ve been muttering about for so many decades. 


      In conclusion, we can sever the head of this "snake of incompetence" by withholding its source of power.   Remove Mad King George's head.  Remove the money.   If money is removed from the process of electing leaders then a lot of problems would naturally disappear.  In this book, I want to offer up the problems and then offer up solutions quickly so that every man, woman and young adult can quickly read my ponderings and be empowered to react with passion and urgency.  Consequently, that is what each chapter endeavors to do- remove the money from the process of governing our nation.  Government is not there to help a specific group to profit so nobody profits if money is out of the picture.   The government is there to help ALL the people profit, and to not yield to one tyrannical group over another.  That is the problem.  Remember- the individual American is the champion of the government—the individual citizen is the ruler of the government- not the pharmaceuticals, the military establishment, the corporations ‘nor the media.  Their heads must be severed from it's involvement in governing.   

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