Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Silent Tyrants of the 21st Century: Big Food and Big Pharm

 By CE Marshall

  The manipulation of truth for the needs of the few to the detriment of us all.  


                               Big Food is as Conniving as Big Pharm 

     The more I live the more I see the lies.  I guess that's part of maturing, or of "getting old" as it were.  Many times in life I've watched and believed things because people of authority said them.  When people in authority "say" things we all need to be more scrutinizing of why they say them and "if" what they say is true or simply self serving.  Over the last century the use of positions of power and money have brought about topics that are decided according to who the topic behooves and what is the better direction for the public to "think" of these things.  The more we think the way the silent tyrants want us to think then the better for them, of course.  The truth is the least important issue in their mind.  But when you avoid the truth and send all topics in their universe to orbit around their "way of thinking" then we're all living in a lie of their making.  Let me mention that that does not make us all innocent.  We are told the lie but we allow ourselves to be lied to as well.  We're guilty of not asking questions.  We're guilty of being lazy.  What does the truth matter ?  Without truth then we're at the mercy of a warped truth that prevents real problems from being solved.  You can't solve a problem if no problem is evident.   But it's still a problem, it's just a silent problem ignored by the silent tyrants because it's better for them that it never be solved.  

     Let me give an example.  The food industry.  The Food Pyramid I have come to find out has been manipulated and twisted since its conception.   Big Food companies have decided for us what is good for us and therefor for years  carbohydrates got the "base" of the pyramid thus encouraging over consumption of grains and other white carbohydrates.  This encouraged the American people to eat more carbs and consequently they have gotten fatter and fatter to the point that today obesity is the rule not the exception. I know this is an oversimplification, but you understand my point, I hope.   The pyramid has nothing to do with eating healthier.  It's a conduit for the big and powerful to take advantage of the weak and naive.  It has absolutely nothing to do with what is actually  better for you.   These companies have the most money and stand to make a lot more money.  This is much like the pharmaceuticals deciding for medical colleges and students how they should view natural remedies or the importance of healthy eating and exercise.  They encourage no study of such things at all !  They teach the young future Doctors to trust the chemicals of Big Pharm.  "Trust the science".  This is why your Doctor no longer has advice for you when you go see him.  He has a pill for you.   I read an appalling account recently regarding some of America's most "respected" organizations that do "research" and come to conclusions that behoove the ones that supported the research. Often they literally are sponsored by the company or group that would benefit the most with the conclusions found in the "research".  If there's money to be made then question the answers you receive and use your own common sense.  If "research" is being done to make a point or to convince a group of people of something, then we all need to ask  "Who sponsored the research?" 


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