I must apologize for neglecting many of you who probably didn't see my column published in the Orlando Sentinel back in Septbember. I had meant to copy on to this blog, but totally forgot in all the excitement of my first "guest" column. Truth be told, I'd like to be a regular columnist (for the Orlando Sentinel or any other periodical) but this blog will have to satisfy my craving for the time being. Not much money (because none of you ever clicks my ads !) but at least I'm getting an assortment of ramblings off my chest. Anyway, here is it in all it's glory. OR, you can google search "Charles E. Marshall Orlando Sentinel Sept. 13, 2011" and it should come up. The Sentinel titled it "Middle Voice Will Bring Wise Government", but I just titled it "Wise Government"
Happy Reading !
Wise Government (published Sept. 13, 2011- Op-Ed page of the Orlando Sentinel)
As our nation grapples with its next political direction, I have to question why there is such silence and absence of the middle voice? The right is very vocal with its Tea Party wing of the Republican party, the left is ever-present with the clarion call that the government is there to help all of us, whether we want that help or not. Each wing has its rock solid supporters. The Republicans are champions of all things corporate. They fling the door wide open to the corporate lobbyists and encourage all of us that if we just allow the corporations to do as they wish then it will“trickle down” to the rest of us. The left has the labor unions, bureaucrats, the perpetually unemployed and progressive “thinkers” that are well adapted at wrenching money from the faceless government and its never ending supply of money.
The backbone of our country is the small businessman, the low-level managers, the teachers, the entrepreneurs, religious leaders, civic leaders, firemen, police officers, and housewives. These are the groups that really get it all done and form the foundation of our communities. I don’t see anyone who is focused on this group of people. Those who want the freedom to succeed but also understand the occasional need for government involvement. A smart, efficient government that encourages new business ideas and endeavors but does not subsidize large corporations that already have the advantage over any smaller competitor. A smart, efficient government that rules the country in order to encourage individual achievement as well as individual responsibility. One that encourages us to take care of our own families and to make the smart choices in life, always realizing the fact that actions have consequences, always “allowing” us to fail if that is the consequence of our bad choices. Let the broken pieces be picked up by our friends, family and neighbors so there is meaning to help when it comes.
It is my hope that the swelling movement of Independent voters will evolve into a powerful movement that demands a disciplined, intelligent government that borrows from both wings of the political spectrum to allow America to move on to a new level of success. An America that once again governs on compromise, always understanding that no one group is always correct, and all voices have a right to be heard and respected even if those voices don't vocalize our own thoughts. Let America lead the world once again in political thought. It should be an example to all nations that the individual led by a wise government has no obstacles that cannot be overcome.
In My Humble Opinion........Chuck Marshall :)
Loved the article Chuck. I hope more people start clicking your ads, but in the event that they don't, I hope you continue to post. It is an interesting point you bring up, because everybody claims to be for the working man, but who truly is? It's a good question. I hope at least that it's cyclical, and we'll soon see a return to a root-based focus. Thanks for the article!
Thanks for the comments EAM !
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