By Charles "Chuck" E. Marshall
At the national prayer breakfast President Obama is quoted as saying the following regarding the sins of religion and in particular Christianity; "Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ". This to a group, that I would assume was largely Christian.
I have too often left Obama alone in this blog, I don't know if it's respect for the office or that I simply feel like he gets too much criticism as it is. This episode has really shaken me. I can't believe the leader of our country would make comments comparing what was done in the name of Christ over 1000 years ago to ISIS of today. ISIS who roasts people alive and chops heads off of innocent people and murders whole villages because they don't think the right way.... TODAY ! They are the enemy, they are the Nazis of the modern world and our leader back-handedly defends their position as just another radical sect of a religion, no different from slave owners of the old south. There he stood like a bombastic college professor -not the President of the United States- babbling an academic point as a guest speaker to this group focused on prayer. There he stood scolding them that "hey, you're not so special......remember what your type did back in the 900's ?". Huh ? In one account I read that you could feel the air being sucked out of the room. "You're welcome", right Mr. President? Not only was it rude, boorish, arrogant and condescending but it was behavior unbecoming to the President of the United States.
Any relationship that ISIS has to the Islamic faith is the stuff of their own twisted fantasy. To give them any credit as being similar to our own religion's troubled and contradictory history gives them -at some level- a bit of leniency and understanding. As if they really do have justification under Islamic faith. You don't understand or rationalize with people like that.... you kill them before they kill you, Europe tried to understand and placate the Nazis before WWII by walking through and entertaining the logic of their actions as if they would eventually come to their senses and stop their murdering ways if you looked at it all from their perspective. There is no reason and there is no basis for the actions of ISIS. They are butchering, raping, murdering psychopaths...... plain and simple. Why does Obama want to paint this as anything else ?
In my humble opinion.....
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