Thursday, March 17, 2022

Governor DeSantis and the Democratic Media

Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion Published ! 

By Charles Eldridge Marshall 

     Dear loyal readers !  I sent a cursory, angry letter to the Orlando Sentinel regarding a column by Scott Maxwell - regarding the "trouble" Disney is in for not siding totally with the Democratic Party and all they subscribe for the public.  To my shock, they published it !   I give them credit for that much.  I honestly don't even know that much about the "don't say gay" bill they're blathering on about, but I am sure the Orlando Sentinel, as usual, is opposed to the Republican governor and most any Republican concepts in order to side with the left and the Democratic party at the cost of even handed coverage that considers both sides of the issue.  You know, like a real news source might do.   In their continuing need to exploit the latest victim to their own profit and attention, they are gradually abandoning any thought contrary to their Democratic cronies.   Their (and all modern sources of news media in the so-called mainstream)  left leaning world view has never met a victim they didn't want to trumpet and exploit.

     Anyway, here is the letter.  I do apologize for only posting these letters- I am determined to get back into reading the news, if nothing else to be "informed" of the issues., but it's all the same nonsense., just a different story.  A new "flavor of the month".  Disgusting.    

     The wording in the first paragraph was changed to cram it in there and therefor, comes off awkwardly, but mostly it's true to what I wrote.  

In my humble opinion........

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