This is the last of a four part series regarding the Convention of States- first published on May 26, 2020.
By CE "Chuck" Marshall
This is the last of a four part series regarding the Convention of States- first published on May 26, 2020.
By CE "Chuck" Marshall
Dear Readers-
As promised, here is the second of a four part series explaining the Convention of States and why I see it as the best hope for our future and our children's future. This was originally published here on Blogspot on May 25, ,2020.
By CE "Chuck" Marshall
So, today we have a federal government that has grown to proportions of debt that are not sustainable. The national debt stands at around $24 Trillion and there is no end in sight. That's equivalent to $69,000 for every human being in the United States. Our leaders spend money as if there is no consequence to the debt. I ask ; "How could never-ending spending have no consequence" ? Surely, there are consequences. And, this begs the question; "What would national bankruptcy look like ?" I'm not an economist but most likely a world-wide depression would result with catastrophic consequences for our children and grandchildren including widespread poverty, war and disease. (Read "The Grapes of Wrath" or watch "Cinderella Man" if you want to get a slice of depression era life)
Dear readers,
As promised, here is the second of a four part series explaining the Convention of States and why I see it as the best hope for our future and our children's future. This was originally published here on Blogspot on May 22, ,2020. Have a great Thanksgiving.
These were the immortal words of Thomas Paine in 1776 at the introduction of his book "Common Sense". His book is credited with changing the mind of enough colonial Americans to side with a revolution against England. He inspired them to stop being afraid, to start thinking for themselves, and stand up to the King of England and all his allied power here in North America.
We have our own King of England today, but it's not the actual King of England, of course. It's the media establishment, the political parties, the multinational corporations and the Lobbyists of our capitals that do the bidding of the wealthiest and most powerful people and entities of the world. They are the “Mad King George" of our times.
In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson declared that;
“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Indeed, we do have our own "Mad King George" today. Our "Mad King George" is a federal government out of control with spending, drunk on power, beholden to large moneyed special interests, and at constant battle within itself as one party versus the other. A never ending orgy of spending, avarice, petulance, greed, partisan warfare and malevolent intentions that leave the American citizen as the least important aspect of their daily endeavors. It's time to consider Thomas Jefferson's words and review our arsenal of power as Americans. The time has come, in my humble opinion.
By CE "Chuck" Marshall
I have written several times- including a series back in 2020- regarding the need for a Convention of States to pull back power from the federal government. This continues to be a need in society and it is most evident by the resistance to the idea by the ruling elite of our country and even our world; The Media, Corporations, Academia, Banking, Pharmaceuticals, Political Parties, and big government advocates within the government itself. The government has become a behemoth. An elephantine, gargantuan blubbery mess of red tape, bureaucracy, and cronyism. The last person on earth any of them has any concern for is the common man. To monitor how effective an idea such as COS could be is to monitor how much these groups hate the idea, and they really hate this idea. Why? It removes their power to one degree or another and lets us "commoners" rule ourselves much like the Pilgrims and our ancestors did in their voyage to America to escape the tyrants of Europe- Kings, Queens and dictatorial church doctrine. You could say the COS is a modern version of the Mayflower- sailing away from mother Europe and all its phony, self important royals who claim to have great concern for "their people" when nothing could be further from the truth (although it could very well be true in their own heads). I've tried to develop a term to refer to the modern tyrants we live under- "Mad King George" I tried but that's too comical and benign. Big Brother fits the mold but George Orwell beat me to it- although if you've read the book it's really so very apt. Perhaps "Brave New World" has some terminology that could be drawn out so any reader that has a suggestion please do so!
Anyway, for the month of November I will be re-posting my 4 part series on the COS for all to read and consider. You are a citizen of the United States of America - this is an avenue for you to get your power back. An avenue to shake off the shackles of the real oppression we are feeling as the government and the greater society of the modern world continue to decide for us what is best for us. Get off your asses and start doing it.
Perhaps that's the title I need for them- "The Great Deciders" ?
Lately there has been so much commentary and controversy regarding schools and what they teach. It should be obvious to anyone that the role of schools is to teach children to be able to support themselves as grown adults. I don’t see how directing them in politics, liberal OR conservative ideology, sexual preferences, or even social justice has any bearing on them supporting themselves. All the extra opinions and political persuasion is the work of tyrannical school boards that have way too much power. Any parent that votes for school board members who have intentions of influencing children’s opinions regarding politics or social topics are guilty of tyranny themselves because they aim to control the thoughts, opinions and ideals of their neighbors’ children. They should be called out for their opinions by all parents- their autocratic tendencies are not innocent ‘nor are they “well-meaning” they reveal a need to control other people- a habit that contrasts significantly with the ideals of a free and just society.
In my humble opinion.
By CE Marshall
Is there no fear of God left in them ?
A movie about child sex trafficking is now being criticized by many Democrats and the liberal media because some people that helped make the film have been "associated" with conspiracy theorists. Any conspiracy theory is to be maligned, chastised and diminished in the court of public opinion by, well, the Democrats and their lapdogs in the media. I wonder why they're always so adamant that conspiracies have no foundation in truth ? These so called “outlandish ideas” and “conspiracy theories” such as, well, child sex trafficking seem to always cause their fangs to come out. Could it be that the top of our society including leaders of the Democratic party AND the media have something to hide ? We're always to ignore what they tell us to ignore. Pay no attention to the numerous videos of Joe Biden groping little girls right in front of the fawning media and even their parents. Pay no attention to Hunter Biden’s laptop full of child porn, including scenes of himself with underaged Chinese girls. Another example of the Democrats disturbing willingness to explain away sexualization and exploitation of children whether it be encouraging gender confusion or exposing them to adult entertainment, or ignoring the atrocities of child trafficking because the messenger didn’t suit their political tastes. Is it all about scoring political points or are they also hiding something ? Is there no shame left in the party of Roosevelt and Kennedy ? How long will the leaders of the left ignore appalling habits within their ranks ? Is there no fear of God left in them ?
By CE Marshall
In Holy Scripture, otherwise referred to as "the Bible" there are frequent warnings to not be swayed by false gods or idols. Over and over in the Old Testament Moses warns of the mistake to offer up all adoration to the gold calf or any other idol or craven image. Putting all your faith and attention towards something physical is really what it is saying.
The ten commandments lists two specific warnings to such activity;
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous Goda"
Fast forward to today, the parallel to adoring and worshiping something can easily be interpreted through the prism of modern life; worshiping money, power, technology, work, careers, the stock market, government, the self, our children. It's easy to get the meaning behind such instructions. Do not depend on the physical world to bring your mind and conscience to joy and peace because it won't happen.
Underlying all of this is the field of science. Our modern false gods can all be categorized within the realm and field of science and scientists. I respect science. I admire the hard work of scientists. But I don't think it's advisable to hang on their every thought and theory as the only answers to this consciousness known as life. They don't have all the answers, and theories are not answers. They're theories. The rest of the false gods listed above can all be set on the table of science. It is the "go to". It is the "they" that are bringing us more comforts and delights. Science is the god of the modern world and it is seen as the source and solution to every manner of living. We, modern mankind, depend on it and all its "spokes of influence" through academia, corporations, entertainment, and government for our self-worth and comfort and "reason for living". That is the problem. That is the sin. What should be worshiped is the creator of science and the creator of our very lives. The breath that breathed into us a life of wonder and experience and love. God is a jealous God because we as a people are filled with wonder at what other men can do but not filled with wonder at the impetus behind the entire manifold. The whole machinery is His design and many doubt there is ANY creator whatsoever.
Worshiping or lending attention to one's interpretation of the world through the adoration and dependence on science is offering wonder and enthusiasm for the results of physical life rather than the cause of the entire process. The Creator of life itself. It is like admiring a baby while ignoring the mother that just birthed it and even doubting the importance of the mother. The baby simply occurred and it's up to science to ultimately explain the how and the why. In other words, science is the God here because only it can ultimately explain where the baby came from. Given enough time and numerous theories, the answer will be concluded by the scientist and said theories. One elusive theory will finally explain the baby. Therefor, the theory becomes fact even though it is a theory, not a fact. In the mind of mankind only science could possibly answer the question "Where did the baby come from?" The ideas and theories of the scientists are now the "truth" in the minds of mankind and the concepts of the mysterious "mother" giving birth is morphed into myth and superstition. "What mother?"
I love the humor and or sarcasm that is demonstrated in Holy Scripture so frequently and this one jumps out at me today. Moses is warning the people against false gods for the final time. Note the sarcasm. To put it on context- the "their" is those that worshiped false gods. Their "science" as it were.
Deuteronomy 32:36-38
“For the Lord will judge His people
And have compassion on His servants,
When He sees that their power is gone,
And there is no one remaining, bond or free.
37 He will say: ‘Where are their gods,
The rock in which they sought refuge?
38 Who ate the fat of their sacrifices,
And drank the wine of their drink offering?
Let them rise and help you,
And be your refuge."
Science cannot explain everything., and it never will.
By CE Marshall
Today, in honor of Tax Day this week - Tuesday, April 18th, I am publishing my thoughts on income tax. There are few things more idiotic than an income tax, whether it be at the state or national. It is literally encouraging people to not work so hard or in some cases to stop working altogether. How is that a logical incentive for people? There is a need in this world amongst humans to encourage effort, not discourage it. There are other ways to increase tax revenue other than holding people back from working.
In researching income tax, the writer finds much judicial argument, going back to the 1800's involving taxation of income which has been legally challenged as overreach of federal power according to the constitution in several supreme court cases. The very first income tax in the United States was established during the Civil War, 1861. During wartime, some argument could be made to have an emergency fund from income taxes for financing defense of the country- temporarily! Over the years though, the "ruling class" could not help itself and peacetime income tax became the law of the land when the sixteenth amendment passed in 1913. In 1913, a new amendment passed through Congress enabling them to tax income as they please. It reads ;
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
Of course, I comment "as they please" but that is a slight exaggeration in that our leaders do feel the need to limit the money taken lest their taxes cause so much outrage that they don't get reelected. Perish the thought! Instead, they simply spend money that doesn't exist.
The federal tax system and the IRS have used the 16th amendment as a power grab enabling them to manipulate how people should live through threat of higher taxation for specific actions that it deems acceptable or not acceptable. Another concern is the real possibility of the IRS using it's power to tax particular groups more due to their political positions or opinions. In addition, every corporation has a long list of lobbyists instructing Congressmen who and what they should and should not tax. The tax code has become so gargantuan and loathsome that there is not any one human being on earth that could possibly explain it. So, we have huge corporations and vast numbers of accountants that now depend on the taking of income in order to survive. To eliminate the income tax would be eliminating their career so one can easily predict their opinion of this specific blog. Although I sympathize with such concern, that is not a reason to maintain such an unfair and ineffective means of increasing government revenue and, consequently, the ruling class's power over the American citizen. There are other more fair and effective approaches to funding the state and federal governments rather than stealing the citizen's money. Most especially stealing from the hardest working, smartest, most innovative, most creative. These are the very people we want to encourage to work more in order that the economy is robust, therefor benefiting everyone.
( I wrote such a blog on just that, and you can read it at this link;
In short, a consumption tax would be far better in encouraging a reduction in waste, in discouraging over-consumption and even helping to solve pollution and climate change issues. Sin taxes (tax of alcohol and cigarettes to those not so initiated) have been used for centuries very effectively. I have always thought a luxury tax would be logical as a way to fairly tax wealthier people. To "stick it" to the "fat cats" as many more socialistic minded people demand. A luxury tax would tax those that can afford it while increasing revenue effectively and to pay it is their choice if they want the luxury item, not the government's. Most wealthy people would pay it, and perhaps even brag about how much they paid in taxes. One simple example might be a rich man pays 30% tax on the purchase of a Rolls Royce, but to him it's worth it. He doesn't mind to pay more. It boosts his ego ! That's what he lives for !
Let's get smart about taxation and stop the lunacy and tyranny that is at the heart of state and national income tax.
In My Humble Opinion......
By CE Marshall
I'm not too surprised at the indictment of President Trump due to his flagrant disregard for the "powers that be" in the courts and all over the power centers of the "Ruling Class"; traditional Media, Pharmaceuticals, international corporations, academia, Hollywood, etc... Nobody should be surprised by this. They hate him for more than his bad manners. He removed their mask and all illusion that they have any concern for the interests of the citizens of this country. He "pulled on superman's cape", and has repeatedly exposed them for who they are, so much so, that it's really no longer a mystery unless you're not very smart. In some ways it does open the door to more of the same as Trump's arrest will most likely empower the Republicans to do the same to Democrats. So, it might end up being a good thing so that we can go through a few decades of political leaders actually paying for their misdeeds. After all the hoopla and outrage from the Trumpkins, the question is if Donald Trump paid hush money to keep a porn star quiet? Who really doubts that he did ? Let the arresting continue and in the meantime, let the people start getting their power back and stop being such pushovers to our corrupt government and whatever shiny new obnoxious personality arrives on the scene. It's "We the People", not "We the Ruling Class", as much as they hate the fact.
By CE Marshall
We require 13 years of age for certain movies, 18 years of age for cinema with adult content and language, 16 years of age to drive, and 18 years of age for a person to be drafted for war or to vote. Twenty-one years of age to buy a gun or to drink alcohol. BUT we are okay with children making life-long decisions regarding their reproduction and their physical bodies regarding sexuality. Something they have almost no understanding of before puberty. Even during puberty and the years right after, it is a work in progress- not a finished physique. Explaining and addressing concerns for children regarding their gender and their sexuality is like speaking French to an English speaker who has never taken French. They simply don't understand the situation. At all. So, why are we presenting them with the concept at all ?
The role of the parent and the schools is to prepare children for life and I fail to see how this does anything but cause them concern and stress at a time in their life when it is not necessary to lay this on their minds. Suggestion is a powerful thing, and vulnerable children will tend towards solutions to uncomfortable feelings that are often not in their best interest. We are no longer the protector of our children when we suggest they can choose their gender. We are part of the problem. This is the consequence of twisted adult minds in schools and abusive parents that see their children as a project that reflects their "progressive" thinking and abundant virtue. I can handle virtue signalling parents and teachers when the consequences are minimal to anyone but themselves and those unfortunate enough to have to hear them. This understanding stops when they are coercing children to make such significant decisions at a very early, very vulnerable age. It is child abuse and should be treated as such- no different than the children of parents that beat them.
All puberty blockers should be banned. All gender surgeries should be restricted to 21 or older without exception. All direction or explanation regarding gender options should not be presented in any school whatsoever under college age. Those suffering or who think they are suffering from Gender Dysphoria under the age of 21 should get an abundance of therapy, fresh air, restricted internet access, exercise, and dietary review. Only after all options have been reviewed and studied for these psychologically confused youngsters should ANYTHING else be considered. Any such action should be restricted to 21 or older. All other actions should be categorized as child abuse by the parents and/or teachers. Mutilation of young bodies to help them with a condition that is purely mental- should result in the arrest and prosecution of the guilty surgeon. All pharmaceuticals selling puberty blockers and other gender "adjusting" drugs to children and young adults today, should have legal action taken against them for the irreparable and life-long damages caused to millions of people. Let the suing begin.
In My Humble Opinion.....
By C.E Marshall
Dear Readers-- sorry it has been so long, I took a break from paying any attention to the news for my own health and sanity but of course, that can't last forever. All vacations must end. I opened the local newspaper "The Orlando Sentinel" and it only took about 5 minutes for me to start fuming again. Back in the saddle ! So, of course, I wrote a letter and they continue to flatter me by printing the majority of my letters.
My thoughts elaborating on protecting our children may wind up being a short series for Marshall in the Middle. Let's just say that I don't hold back when I see children being manipulated and used by the "powers that be" for their own pleasure and/or profit. That is never okay and there are few things that "grind my gears" as much as such a thing.