Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tools and Fools of the Silent Tyrants

 By Chuck Marshall 

 Dear Loyal Readers- 

     You may have noticed I have some anger issues regarding the Democrat party.  You may think I'm laying it all on a little too thick, and that I need to "give them a break" and try to see some of the good they do and that I need to “lighten up” regarding their behavior over the last four years.  "Let bygones be bygones".  To this I say "nah".   The Democrat party is the mouthpiece and the government instrument of the Silent Tyrants.  They are the tools and fools used to rob us of truth, justice  and liberty.  They are the surface and the skin of the Marxists (for lack of a better word) that are strategically maneuvering to keep the individual in society toothless, flabby, and powerless.   They are the minions of the world's "Silent Tyrants" - whoever they may be.  These powers that rule over us through socialist and/or communist governments,  international corporations,  mass media- entertainment and a medical establishment of Doctors, pharmaceuticals, and insurance companies that have a vested interest in making and/or keeping us sick.   A military establishment, and a consortium of corporations throughout the world that have gained great wealth through wars and the death of our young people over needless conflicts.   An academia that is addicted to government "dole outs" and lucrative research projects that serve mainly to validate the “narrative” of the Silent Tyrants.  Let none dare to question the “settled” science.  

      Witness their check-list to remove peace and decency in order to maintain power and control.   Behold their nefarious contrivances;  a 12-step list to keep down the individual in our society which the Democrats have been following with great obedience for some time now.    

  1.   Establish a world without borders funneling power to the few. 
  2.   Make healthcare easily manipulated for profit through unrestrained pharmaceuticals, big food, medical associations, and insurance companies.   Keep them sick and needy. 
  3.  Support for the transgender delusion making hundreds of thousands of young people medical hostages to the medical establishment and field.  Lifelong patients.  In addition, use fear of losing their child to maintain obedience.  Threaten to remove the child  “for their own good” and put them under state care if the parents dare to resist. 
  4.  Social engineering to "balance things out" leaving gifted students with no direction or inspiration and lazy stupid children with more power and control over the rhythm of the classroom creating chaos and a LACK of education .
  5.  Engineer a media and entertainment "state of mind" that offers deep dislike, even intense hatred of white people, families,  masculinity, alternative medicine, rational thought, and conservative people in general - especially if they are conservative blacks, females or homosexuals.  That's not suppose to happen.  They aren't maintaining their position as victims in society.   
  6.   Avoid any common sense solutions for a struggling nation and offer simple minded solutions to complex problems especially if it involves removing powers of the individual. Ban guns.  Tax rich people.  Outlaw carbon based fuels. 
  7.   Hire people based on their race or sexual preference or sexual confusion ONLY.  This serves two purposes- it allows the "useful idiots" to virtue signal how wonderful they are without requiring anything of them to actually do.  All they have to do is feel.   Also, it prevents the best qualified for many positions creating more chaos, confusion,  and frustration in the workplace.  This prevents any upwardly mobile people from trying to be- upwardly mobile.  Just say "no" to meritocracy !   
  8.  Spend money with absolutely no restraint perhaps even bankrupt the United States.  The poorer they are the more dependent they are on you and the more willing they are to give up more liberties in order to eat.  
  9.  Openly shield convicted murderers, rapists, child traffickers and drug dealers from incarceration creating communities of fear and violence and degradation.  Keep them  frightened and cowering in their homes. 
  10.  Make use of our  “useful idiots” (as Joseph Stalin referred to them) to maintain control under the auspice of being “kind” and “good” yet without any solutions to the problem at hand.  Just feeling kind and good is enough.  Give them a victim to fawn over and feel sorry for and then watch the Peacocks’  “feathers of virtue” unfold for all to see. 
  11.   Have an abundance of generosity with the American people's money to give out to   whoever is necessary to maintain power and control.  Don't worry about the cost- it's not your money anyway !  
  12.  Whatever you do, don't allow much of any inspection of American history or civics lest the little Americans understand at a very young age what vile creatures we truly are.   Don't let it be revealed or noticed that the power of the individual is ingrained in the Constitution.  Let "We the people" morph into "We the bureaucracy" full of waste and greed and selfishness and lies.  


     So, my loyal readers,  you see, the Democrat party is the face of these Silent Tyrants and I will not "give them a break" 'nor "let bygones be bygones".   The Democrats -whether they understand it or not  (which is irrelevant)  are in support of the Silent Tyrants and they have not shied away from this position since they lost the election.  They won't shy away from the culmination of their reason for being since the Civil War- to keep the individuals down and under rule of the government- whether it be freed slaves or the working class.  To tax and diminish the individual in society consequently elevating the Silent Tyrants. They are a controlling, sanctimonious,  condescending  people with no solutions but plenty of pity to go around.  They are the tools and fools.   In conclusion,  I will not let up.  I will continue to hold my foot on their throat.  I will not let them come up for air until I see their satanic body go limp. 

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