Friday, December 27, 2024

Marshall in the Middle to Change to "An American Voice"

 By CE Marshall


     Dear loyal readers-- 

     As you may have noticed I've been rather hard on the Democrat party this past few blog posts.  Many people have commented to me "You're not moderate Chuck, you're far right".   While I dispute that, I have to admit my opinion of the Democrat party could not get any lower and my opinion of the Republican party is - at this point in history- that they are our only hope to bring power back to the people.  I always think about George Washington's disdain for the idea of political parties- and I think he was right- however the horse is out of the barn, and it's all we have to work with at this point.   I began this blog back in 2008 with the intention of being a moderate political commentator- A voice for Independents.    The years have passed and I've observed the federal government get worse and worse, larger and larger, more and more intrusive.  The people are no longer treated as the sovereign.  Even though the population is more and more Independent I can see that there really is no hope for the Independents to gain power and drive the country in a new direction.  They have no leader.  You can't have a movement without a strong leader.  The Republicans have a leader - Donald Trump- who seems to have intentions of removing the power away from Mad King George (my term for the ruling elites of our society- Academia, Corporate Media, Hollywood, Big Food, Big Pharma, etc....)   My highest hope is for a new Convention of States to draw power back to the states through the Constitution.   This movement is known as the Convention of States Movement.  I don't see any other path to firmly re-establishing the people as the sovereign of our country.   Many in Trump's cabinet and his Vice President- JD Vance- support the COS movement.  I see no reason to pretend I'm "in the middle" as the general population defines it.  I still feel my philosophy is to see both sides in any situation, however,  I do not see anything positive regarding the Democrat party today.  I see them as unjust and an enemy of the American people.  They are friends to whoever brings them more votes and power.  That is not a  group of people interested in justice.  This is a group of people who are totally "for sale".  As a consequence of this,   I can no longer write a blog entitled "Marshall in the Middle" in regards to the two main American political parties.   It is officially a misnomer.  As of the New Year, 2025- this blog will be titled "An American Voice".  Same internet address, different title.    

Thank you for reading,  and God Bless America    

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Thursday, December 12, 2024

A Tale of Two Killers

 By CE Marshall 

     Dear Loyal Readers -  

     Today, I elaborate on the stories of the week-  two men accused of killing another human being- and the comparison and contrast to the reactions from the left-wing of our society under the leadership of the Democrat party.  Let me be clear on where this blog is going.  I have concluded that they are the Marxists of the United States today.  They seek victims to deceive and drag down any sort of decency that speaks truth in order to maintain their power and influence.  

           The Daniel Penny trial ended this week.  This young man was found innocent of criminal negligence for the death of a crack-head schizophrenic from whom he was protecting an entire subway car.   He basically stepped up to defend a subway full of frightened New Yorkers from a lunatic threatening to kill them.  He held the man in a choke-hold and the man ended up dying.  The intent of Daniel was to protect people.  A jury heard all the details of the killing and concluded he did not act with negligence and today he is a free man.  I trust that the jury made the right decision- they went through the process of a court hearing.   I was not there to give my full opinion on the matter.   Today, the left sees him as a bad person because he's white and the man that died was black.  The black guy's parents appeared out of nowhere after neglecting their son for years (as I understand it) trying to squeeze money out of the situation regarding their poor departed son whom they abandoned to the world of homelessness.  Black Lives Matter crawls out to demand justice as if the jury was wrong and the verdict was all wrong.  They know better, I guess ?   Their  name- Black Lives Matter- is a subtle insult to black people themselves and serves the Democrat/Marxists well in that it creates another mindset that dwells on victimhood.  "Whitey hates you and you need us to survive" should be it's tag line.  

     In contrast to Daniel Penny this week is the "alleged" murderer of the CEO of United Healthcare.  His name is Luigi Mangione who the left is touting as a "hunky" guy.  Liberal women are swooning his  good looks and his abs.  This disturbed young man who seems to have lost his mind over the last few months is celebrated by the MSM and late night talk-show hosts as if he's some sort of Robin Hood or social justice hero.  He shot a man in the back on the streets of New York !  A man who did nothing to him personally.  A man who had a family that loved him.  That family  is now watching all this on national TV being broadcast.  Their loved one was murdered and the man believed responsible has become a talking point of lust and social justice posturing for the left wing of our country.  Can you imagine being his child or his spouse ?  His parent- his mother and/or father ?  His brother or sister and then hearing commentary on how your beloved family member's killer is attractive and "had his reasons" for murdering ?   The MSM or legacy media, or whatever we're supposed to call them-  are subtly defending his actions as somehow "understandable" given the circumstances of the health-care system today.  I bring up the media's reaction to this guy because the mainstream media IS the Democrat/Marxist party.  They are one in the same.  Their groveling and grotesque comments regarding this guy who shot a man in the back on the streets of New York is such a clear picture of the two tales we have today regarding the Democrat party.  They have no morals.  They have no decency.  They are after power and the pleasures of the flesh to suit themselves and their epicurean lifestyles.  They are the epitome of deceit and mendacity and a nefarious philosophy.   They are demonic and despicable.  

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Monday, December 2, 2024

The Democrat Party - The Hub of Mendacity

 By CE Marshall

                                                                   Pants on Fire 

     This week the news is out that President Biden has pardoned his son from federal prosecution.  Not prosecution for what he has already been charged with,  but with ANYTHING that he may have done against federal law over the last 10 years.  This after Mr. President said repeatedly he would not pardon his son and after his press secretary said he would not pardon his son- over and over and over- "no he won't do that because he believes nobody is above the law".   Yesterday, he did that.   Actually, he did much more than that.  ANYTHING that he might have done is pardoned !  If that's not preferential treatment I don't know what is.  He IS above the law as it turns out. 

     The Democrat Party- the party of liars.  Neither I 'nor anyone with much intelligence is surprised by this but it still is such a blatant lie that it's hard for even his cheerleaders in the legacy press to ignore.  As all of you know, dear readers, the Legacy media aka Corporate Media, etc... are joined at the hip with the Democrat party and really have been for quite a while ( I would say going all the way back to Watergate when Nixon's sins were pursued where a Democrat that did the same thing would have been given a "pass".)  In this blog I have often lumped the Democrat party with the media and academia and Hollywood and big pharmaceutical, big food,  lobbyists,  etc....  as being "Mad King George",  drawing the parallel to King George of England during our revolution.  I think it might be more accurate to simply refer to them all as the Democrat Party because the Democrat party is the hub of the "spokes of mendacity" and corruption that is Washington, DC.  It wouldn't happen, these wheels would not turn without the Democrat party.  

     There needs to be a full investigation regarding all that Biden business dealings with the Ukraine and China.  Any government actions that gave preference to the Democrats over the Republicans whether through "lawfare" aka using the courts to prosecute political enemies or using government agencies to give preferential treatment to Democrats should be recognized and actions should be taken to remove these actors from power and perhaps put then in prison where they belong.  If it's bad enough, the Democrat party needs to be dissolved and a new left-wing party can rise and step into their shoes as a voice for people with such opinions- one that's leftist but still stands for America.  They are no longer a party for America, they are a party of deceitful elitists and the global establishment that use the government as a weapon against the people.   They are the problem..... In my humble opinion.  

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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Is the Democrat Party Now a Cult ?

By CE Marshall

The Clintons Pose with Adolf Hitler (sarcasm!) 

Dear Loyal Reader,  

     Yes, I'm writing another blog critical of the Democratic party.  I regret picking on them as a group when they're already down,  but there's just so much material it's impossible to ignore.  Their behavior must be addressed and ridiculed lest it be seen as acceptable here at Marshall in the Middle.  We are adamant to have all voices heard, not just one opinion.  All  opinions !  There is not a "wrong" opinion.  A cult is the opposite, and all opinion in opposition to their opinion is seen as an existential threat.  

     The chatter these days is that the Democrat talking heads (CNN, MSNBC and most all heads of the Democratic party) have instructed their "followers" that it's "okay" to refuse to attend Thanksgiving dinner or even have a relationship "for a while" with their family.  Such a small minded, and juvenile reaction is what a cult would do.  According to "Psychology Today" in an article "Signs someone may be in a cult" this would be referred to as Isolating your members.  

They state: 

Isolation. The cult becomes too large to control and has to prevent influences from the outside world from weakening its power over members. The leaders ban acts of individual free will. The cult isolates its members from the world beyond, depicting the outside as corrupt, evil, and violent. This increases bonding as members see themselves as ‘threatened victims’. Language control and growing paranoia make questioning the cult impossible. Mantras and slogans silence doubts and dissent. Internal repression grows.

    I have friends who have close family members that refuse to even speak to them because of the election of Donald Trump.  These people exhibit all the symptoms of a person who has been brainwashed.  We are used to cults being weird groups that keep to themselves, however this is a cult on a grand scale that needs to be recognized for what it is and that it's tentacles reach into every corner of American power centers.  Isolation is not the answer in this situation.  Communication with each other becomes even more important than ever.  Consider the reaction from the Democrats if you suggest that Transgender surgery for minors is immoral and a form of mutilation and child abuse.  They lose their mind !   I have had my own experience with this.  In April when I posted an opinion piece published in the Christian Post titled "To This Decision We Leave Our Children" in which I was critical of  children being encouraged to change their sex if they should desire such a thing.  The fact that I have to even argue the point is absurd.   (Here is the link if the reader is interested.  Blog Regarding Transgender Children ) By the way, nothing in the modern world is more a cult than the transgender movement, which of course, the Democrat party is attached to at the hip.   I received quite a few very nasty comments regarding my opinion when that was published, and that's a Christian periodical !  

     Another trait mentioned in the same article of Psychology Today  is "Hate Bonding"

Hate Bonding. The cult reaches its size limit and problems arise from failures in its ‘plan for all.’ But the cult cannot admit errors. It starts to feed on hatred of the outside world. It evolves rituals of hatred, building a deeper ‘unity of the persecuted.’ One stratum of society is usually the target of all hatred and they might be given a coded name. Members are encouraged to share their hatred in ritualised forms.

     I think we all know the name that they "hate" and this hatred is beyond what could be considered normal.  In the 2024 election loss many Democrats were left foaming at the mouth and behaving like spoiled brats.  Grown adults behaving like 5- year old children screeching and crying and cutting their hair, and refusing to have sex (more a promise IMHO than a threat).  They are totally out of control !   Over 30% of Democrats polled before the election agreed that they "wish the assassin had gotten Donald Trump".  To me that is truly horrifying.  

One more:  (although if you review any list of "cult' traits you will see much of what the Democrat party has been exhibiting this past several years).  Traitors to the cause.  

Traitors. Afraid of the growing hate culture, some members question the leaders but they are thrown out or made to do penance. The contraction phase begins and leads to a clampdown on any freedoms within the cult. In the face of internal persecution, a senior member often leaves and becomes a ‘traitor.’ Gaslightingpeer pressure, and groupthink prevent others from leaving. A few are helped to leave the cult by family members or forced out by cult deprogrammers, but such acts only fuel the cult's conviction that it is under attack.

     Some of Donald Trump's closest friends are now sworn enemies - witness his past close relationship with Oprah Winfrey,  the  Clintons, and a very long list of celebrities that turned on Trump when he became a Republican.  They cannot handle someone expressing an opinion contrary to theirs.  Now RFK Jr. has supported Donald Trump and his famous family has denounced him.  They denounce him for having his own opinion.   That is childish.  That is narrow minded.  That is a cult.  In my humble opinion. 

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Saturday, November 9, 2024

The Dark Bigotry of the Democratic Party

By CE Marshall  

 There’s something about being falsely accused of something that raises a person’s ire like nothing else.   I'm referring to the Democratic party and their lapdogs in the corporate media suggesting the American public is racist and sexist.  After hiding the dementia of Joe Biden and offering up a totally unqualified candidate for the Presidency, a woman who claimed to be black but is actually part Asian, who could not answer any substantive questions other than multiple choice questions form her cheerleaders in the MSM, then they have the audacity to blame the American people for their loss because we are racist and sexist.  It’s not just white men anymore either.  It turns out that Latinos- male and female-  are now racist also, and black men are misogynist.  They’re running out of categories of people !  So, they are scripting out the groups of people and their faults according to their skin tone, race and gender and blaming them for the loss of their miserable candidate because they, the Democrats, are judging Americans according to their race and gender.  What does that sound like ?  It sounds like bigotry.  This is the worst kind of hypocrite and bigot- the ones that go around accusing others of what they are.  The Democratic party needs to gaze into a mirror and observe that there, staring back at them, is the true bigot. 


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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Polls Accuracy are Always Suspect 2024

 By CE Marshall 

2020 Revisited ! 

     I wrote the below blog back after the election of 2020 but it certainly bares repeating after 4 years.  Nothing has changed and the polls have only a very slippery hold on the truth.   All Americans should look at them with scrutiny.  I have also heard other comments regarding polls;  1)  Conservatives tend not to answer them.  2) People are hesitant to admit they're voting for Donald Trump to the pollster asking the questions, in other words-  "Orange Man Bad" syndrome.  3) Polls are more manipulated by the media - both sides- to keep readers engaged and coming back.  They are click- bate.  So, for example, If the media wants the Democrats to look more likely to win  (for whatever reason) they ask a larger than normal base of Democrats "Who are you voting for?" and "voila"  they have the poll results for which they were searching!   Anyway, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  I re-read this blog and nodded in agreement with myself - LOL- "Right on Chuck".  It still confounds me that there is no longer an "Undecided voter"  in poll results.  That use to be one of the main categories, but today in 2024 it doesn't exist.  I think the undecided category of voters must somehow be less profitable to our wonderful "legacy" media- depicted below as Mr. Burns.  One brief comment regarding Mr. Burns- IMHO the Simpson's creators are the geniuses of humor content in the 21st century.  Mr. Burns is such a perfect representation of corporate executives of modern America and the world.  (This goes double for Pharmaceuticals, Big Food and Media giants)  They are so loathsome and despicable to the point of being laughable.  Human seepage.  

Originally posted on November 5, 2020.  

Polls Got it Wrong-- Again

 By Chuck Marshall 

Dear Wise Readers---

Hello fellow Americans-- a few thoughts on opinion polls.
1) Why are they so wrong AGAIN ? They had Biden up by 14% last month, and up by 8% over this past weekend. Statistics is a science, so is the science now wrong ?
2) Why is there no "undecided" category anymore in most polls ? We should believe everyone has made up their mind when called by pollsters?
3) Much like a court argument, survey questions can be very easily manipulated. That's why "leading the witness" is grounds for an argument to be overturned by a judge. If I'm to believe polls I'd like to hear exactly what questions are asked., not "the President's approval rating is down" with no explanation as to how the question was worded.
4) Who are they asking ? Some of these polls seem to have been asked at a the Democratic national convention. We hear "1500 likely voters across the US", but what's the mix ? How many R's, D's and I's ?
5) Most likely, surveys are being manipulated. Remember this isn't your local newspaper bloviating, these are massive, international conglomerates that want things to go a certain way. The truth is a quaint concept that they care about only as long as it's good for their profits and power. Scrutinize, scrutinize, scrutinize and don't be gullible to their narrative.
6) What can you do about it ? Ignore the opinion polls. They are a steaming pile of bullshit. Picture Mr. Burns from the Simpsons when you hear the talking heads blabbing on about what "the American people are thinking". Blah, blah, blah.

In my humble opinion.....


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion on immigration published Orlando Sentinel

 CE Marshall

     Dear loyal readers-- I keep meaning to post this letter I sent to the Orlando Sentinel back in late September and that they published.   Normally I post a snippet of the letter but this letter was in an awkward arrangement so I was unable to "capture" it from the digital version of the paper.  I had mentioned a letter to the editor back earlier in September my blog titled "Government By Agency"- September 26, 2024- but they did not print that one.  I'm posting this one - it's rather short and is in reference to another letter writer claiming the talk of eating pets by the Trump campaign was "racist"- a very overused word that has lost any meaning through it's overuse regarding benign comments and thoughts from people who are simply expressing a difference of opinion.  

According to my google search - this was from September 29.  I'm not checking older versions of the Orlando Sentinel to confirm because that takes a lot of scanning and clicking.  I hate to seem lazy on this one but I'm in a hurry and I want to post this up for my minimum of one weekly blog posting here on Marshall in the Middle-  Wise Government brings Truth, Justice and Liberty ! 

Here it is- all comments are welcome by the way.  

Haitian rumor spoke to strong borders

Regarding the Sept. 27 letter surmising that the pet-eating rumors were all about race: I disagree. I think the rumors, whether true or false, are about having boundaries for a country where a lot of people are tired of porous borders seemingly being ignored by the “powers that be.” The habits of Haitians or whatever immigrant group are not the issue to the vast majority of people who oppose this “open border” policy of the Democrats. We have a government that is ignoring the will of the people and our country’s laws. The American people want a safe country with strong borders much like 99% of all countries on Earth have. I don’t think that’s asking so much, is it?

CE Marshall Clermont


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Silent Tyrants of the 21st Century: Big Food and Big Pharm

 By CE Marshall

  The manipulation of truth for the needs of the few to the detriment of us all.  


                               Big Food is as Conniving as Big Pharm 

     The more I live the more I see the lies.  I guess that's part of maturing, or of "getting old" as it were.  Many times in life I've watched and believed things because people of authority said them.  When people in authority "say" things we all need to be more scrutinizing of why they say them and "if" what they say is true or simply self serving.  Over the last century the use of positions of power and money have brought about topics that are decided according to who the topic behooves and what is the better direction for the public to "think" of these things.  The more we think the way the silent tyrants want us to think then the better for them, of course.  The truth is the least important issue in their mind.  But when you avoid the truth and send all topics in their universe to orbit around their "way of thinking" then we're all living in a lie of their making.  Let me mention that that does not make us all innocent.  We are told the lie but we allow ourselves to be lied to as well.  We're guilty of not asking questions.  We're guilty of being lazy.  What does the truth matter ?  Without truth then we're at the mercy of a warped truth that prevents real problems from being solved.  You can't solve a problem if no problem is evident.   But it's still a problem, it's just a silent problem ignored by the silent tyrants because it's better for them that it never be solved.  

     Let me give an example.  The food industry.  The Food Pyramid I have come to find out has been manipulated and twisted since its conception.   Big Food companies have decided for us what is good for us and therefor for years  carbohydrates got the "base" of the pyramid thus encouraging over consumption of grains and other white carbohydrates.  This encouraged the American people to eat more carbs and consequently they have gotten fatter and fatter to the point that today obesity is the rule not the exception. I know this is an oversimplification, but you understand my point, I hope.   The pyramid has nothing to do with eating healthier.  It's a conduit for the big and powerful to take advantage of the weak and naive.  It has absolutely nothing to do with what is actually  better for you.   These companies have the most money and stand to make a lot more money.  This is much like the pharmaceuticals deciding for medical colleges and students how they should view natural remedies or the importance of healthy eating and exercise.  They encourage no study of such things at all !  They teach the young future Doctors to trust the chemicals of Big Pharm.  "Trust the science".  This is why your Doctor no longer has advice for you when you go see him.  He has a pill for you.   I read an appalling account recently regarding some of America's most "respected" organizations that do "research" and come to conclusions that behoove the ones that supported the research. Often they literally are sponsored by the company or group that would benefit the most with the conclusions found in the "research".  If there's money to be made then question the answers you receive and use your own common sense.  If "research" is being done to make a point or to convince a group of people of something, then we all need to ask  "Who sponsored the research?" 


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Government by Agency

 By CE Marshall 

                                            A blog is Born 

            Hilarious memes regarding Trump's concern for the safety of our pets in the USA 

     This was the headline for an opinion piece in my local newspaper - "The Orlando Sentinel" this week:  "Spreading of Lies Can ignite Fatal Violence" - and this was regarding the apparent violence that occurred from the "eating of pets" that Donald Trump mentioned in the debate recently.  I read their opinion, and I understand where they are coming from- however I kept thinking- "Well, there is still truth there because I've read several accounts of this happening from Haitian immigrants that worship Voo Doo.  This is what they do - sacrifice animals and then eat the sacrifice."  But of course the media is not interested in the truth if they find the truth and they don't like what they find.   Anyway,  it's not as if they are very familiar with truth.   After all that pondering, of course, "a blog is born" in Chuck Marshall's head.  Here it is in the form of the letter I sent to them - not so much challenging the truth of the "eating of Fido" scandal going on, but really calling them out on the much bigger lie today- that the United States is a Democracy or truly a Republic.  

It reads: 

Dear Editor:  

     Regarding your article on "the spreading of lies can cause violence".  I must contend that withholding of truth can be just as damaging.  Unfortunately because the press leans overwhelmingly to the left and favors Democrats over Republicans by a significant margin (at least at the federal level), the more conservative readers and citizens of society do not trust you  much.  They are left to contend for themselves what is really the truth.  That is how Donald Trump was born.  He lies but he does point out truths that the media won't touch.  Some examples would be that the borders don't seem to be very secure, the government is spending money that does no exist,  big pharmaceuticals seem to be the "untouchables" of modern corporate America,  wars DO seem to be a desired situation for our government.  I could go on of course, but today America is run by a "government of agencies" as is evidenced by a President that is clearly not in charge.  There seems to be a group of puppeteers "in charge".  A group of people or institutions of which we know nothing.   In addition,  you and all corporate media hold a curious lack of interest regarding all of that.  The biggest lie of all is that the America is currently in a state of  Democracy or is a Republic,  much less that it might lose its Democracy.   That has already happened. 

CE Marshall


In My Humble Opinion...... 


*This letter was not published as of today, 9/29 


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trump Causes Deep Fear in Some Important People - Why ?

 By CE Marshall 

                                                        The Scream- by Edvard Munch 

Fear is the kissing cousin to hate 

     I've been watching Trump for a while now and I can't help but come to a conclusion regarding the man, other than some of the obvious adjectives.  The man instills fear in a lot of powerful people.  I've written blogs "pro" and "con" regarding President Trump over the years,  but this is the first where I'm reflecting on how people react to him, the man,  as President, as former President,  and as possible future President.   People fear him.  I don't mean the ordinary Democratic voter, the screeching Karens and virtue signalling college students - those who hate him for his "name calling" and his "mean tweets".    No, there's something else going on here.   That's the only conclusion I can come to after a lot of  consideration.  A lot of important people fear Donald Trump to a significant degree. 

     Consider:   The corporate media created their monster.   Remember,  the media were not visibly opposed to Trump during the primaries.  Not until he actually won in 2016 did they react to this threat.  Why ?  Because he was NOT supposed to win!  When he won, you could see their shock on the screen.  "How could this be ?  We selected Hillary to be President"   They did not do the job of *Mad King George.  In fact, they failed miserably.   Today, they are determined that does not happen again as they pull out 99% of all criticism towards Trump here in 2024.   It could be their heads !  There is almost no effort to find out about Kamala Harris.  Is this because they like her ? No !  It's because they're afraid of Trump and the consequences of not holding up their part in the royal court.  People in power are afraid of him.  

    Consider:  Donald Trump spends a huge part of his 4 year term as President fighting off the "Russia Collusion" accusations that ended up causing his impeachments.  What Russian collusion ?  So we're to believe that the Russians along with Donald Trump fooled Americans into voting for him in 2016 ?  That is the logic of the entire accusation.  It doesn't even make sense.  How ?  The entire thing was a ruse and you never hear it spoken of anymore because it reads like a ridiculous accusation.  Only the true rank and file of the Democratic party actually believed there was anything going on with Trump and Russia.  They were stealing the headlines away from Donald Trump by accusing Donald Trump.  People in power are afraid of him.  

Consider:  The mysterious COVID virus that suddenly popped up just on time to deflate the economy that Trump had built up with pro-business policies.  Those in fear could not allow a re-election of Donald Trump and they're even willing to drag down the economy in order to sabotage his chances.  The significance of the COVID virus under a normal President (that powerful people did not fear), would have been to get the vulnerable people away from crowds to protect them.  It's that simple. The media and their corporate overlords decided to exploit the situation by stirring  up fears that ALL people need to hide in their houses as if they were also vulnerable to dying from COVID.   Then their candidate could blame Donald Trump for all the bad that is happening.  Kamila Harris even used that in this election during the debate when she mentioned the high unemployment and horrible economy back in 2020 -- counting on her dim-witted constituents not to consider that there was a pandemic going on at the time.  Powerful people are afraid of him. 

Consider:  The coup that occurred against Joe Biden to remove him from the possibility of losing to Donald Trump - which was looking more and more likely with each passing week.  I'm sincerely surprised he's still alive.  Powerful people are afraid of him. 

Consider:  Two attempts on Donald Trump's life as of this writing - both under very odd, mysterious circumstances.  I'm not going to get into the details of the questions behind each attempt, let's suffice it to say- Powerful people are afraid of him.  

     Donald Trump could step into the White House and conceivably turn on the lights of the nation's capital  to reveal the swarm of roaches scurrying away all over Washington, DC.  Heads of blubbery fat agencies.  Bureaucrats by the millions.  Lobbyists and Washington insiders.  All the little piggies suckling at the tit of the American tax payer.   In the past,  Presidents - from either political side- would just play along with the rape of the American people.  We already know Trump won't.  That's why ordinary middle class people like him.   Powerful people are afraid of Donald Trump.  Who are these powerful people exactly ?  I don't really know.   Likely they are very powerful and wealthy people - all over the world- that do not want to be revealed or discussed by you and me for some reason- I know not why.  Some may be famous.  A lot probably who have gained from this rigged system- names we all know.   Mad King George and his royal court.  The fear that he instills in them implies something significant- not just that they may lose some money, maybe some power.  I sense a lot of them fear incarceration.  Prison.  That would explain the hyper effort to block him at every turn.  

     Powerful people are afraid of Donald Trump because he was one of them and he knows their game and he's not afraid of them.  As President he may legitimately find out things that could lead them to lose everything, including their freedom.  In my humble opinion..... 

*Mad King George is my name for the morass of powerful groups that suckle at the tit of America to get richer and more powerful - the corporate media, the big pharmaceuticals, the medical field,  mutli-national banks, insurance conglomerates,  corporations,  Hollywood, lobbyists, academia (universities receive massive amounts of money from the government), etc...  These people have no regard for ordinary Americans, in fact they most likely hate us.  Howard Stern announced this week regarding "anyone" that supports Trump is someone he "hates".  We are what the French aristocrats would call the "bourgeois".  Basically an insult to ordinary middle class people.  You know, the ones that really do make the world function.  


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Great Debate: Trump VS Harris

By CE Marshall

Taking a break from "An American Voice" (We are past the first chapter, now- Chapter 2 is coming up, loyal readers !)  today with remarks regarding the debate last night between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in Philadelphia, PA. 

ABC Reminds Me Why I Avoid the Legacy Media  

     After avoiding much of the theatrics of our process of selecting leaders here in the 21st century,  I decided I would have to endure the debate last night as an informed citizen  (at least to the extent that I'm allowed to see the truth of matters of state and reality by today's media and talking heads- **Mad King George)  and observe the political circus that is the world we suffer in.  That is the subject of today's blog.  

Top  Takeaways 

1)  Kamala Harris can form full sentences that make coherent sense.  I wasn't sure. She was well spoken with clear thoughts and seemed self assured as the debate moved forward.  She will not be a blithering non-entity like President Biden.  Although, most likely to be a puppet of Mad King George, she will hold her own to a certain extent.  At least the mirage that the President springs from one person and not corporate overlords and foreign interests will be restored.  The rumors on X are that she was given the questions by ABC before the debate, much like Hillary Clinton received questions from CNN back in 2015.  Did she ?  We don't know, but if she was she studied them pretty well- and there were no questions that should have been a shock to Donald Trump.  I agree it's unfair, but I'm not sure it made a big difference in the debate.  

2)  Donald Trump was bombastic and rambling in his thoughts and reactions as is normal for him.  The man can brag like nobody I've ever beheld.  It's very annoying,  but nobody should expect anything else from him.  He turned nearly every question into comments regarding the borders and illegal immigration.  Although the tactic was not very attractive to watch, I think he is hitting on a frustration that all Americans feel today.  So, was it pretty ?  No. Was it effective ?  Possibly.  It is the greatest failing of Kamala Harris- our "border Czar" (rolling eyes here).  I do think he had the best line of the night- that Kamala should go wake Biden up from his nap at 4 in the afternoon to sign an executive order to close the borders.  It also served to clarify to most Americans, especially younger ones who have very little understanding of how our government works, that the President does NOT need Congress to seal the borders.   Harris was making it sound like Trump caused Congress to disagree on  border security legislation.  Even if he did, that is irrelevant.  She and Biden always had the power to seal our borders.    

3)  The "legacy media" or the *"Mad King George" in the room did it's usual job of  bringing down the threat that is Donald Trump.  There were leading questions for Harris to make sure she got the answer correct.  There was fact-checking for Trump regarding issues such as abortion that demanded an answer from Harris, not Trump.   They were obvious regarding who they wanted to "win" the debate.   No surprise here- ABC and the legacy media favor the Democratic party and they no longer hide it to any extent.  

4)  I was reminded of Bill Clinton in the way that Kamala has changed her mind on issues to suit the audience.   Watching this debate you would assume she's a "centrist" but most of her previous life has been calling out to do everything liberal.  Extreme gun control.  Open borders.  Abortion to the 8th and 9th month.   Health care for all and an end to private health insurance.  Transgender surgeries for  illegal immigrants.  Anything that money can take care of, the Democrats will promise.  They're very good at spending our money.  

5)  Did I mention the need for legal abortions ?  Kamala came out swinging on this one because she knows this is a point of contention to a lot of Americans.  Trump did a reasonably good job of - again- giving the mouth breathers in the audience a civics lesson.  Although she says she will make abortion the "law of the land" she cannot do that except through Congress which is unlikely to happen anytime soon.  Congress is too divided to unite on anything of substance.  

     At the end of the night, I didn't feel either candidate really "won" the debate as is often the conversation.  My thoughts are that Trump reflected the anger of our country towards the incompetence of the government and the advantages that go to those with money and power.  He was full of praise for himself and defensive of himself, as always.   Kamala Harris supported Mad King George very well and exhibited that she is there to serve "his royal highness" as best she can given her new found circumstances to be possibly elected the most powerful puppet in the world.  

In my humble opinion......because everyone's entitled to my own opinion. 

**Mad King George is my term for the "powers that be" of the 21st century. The legacy Media or Mainstream media,  large international corporations and their lobbyists, academia, pharmaceuticals, big food companies.  All the piggies suckling at the tit of other people's money  pushing aside all truth and decency to enable and enrich themselves.    


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Marshall in the Middle - Regarding this Blog

 By CE Marshall 

*Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion regarding... his own blog.   

                                                      Chief Justice John Marshall 

Dear readers--- 

     Some of you may have been following me going back a while, when I titled my blog "Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion", so you know what the above tagline is referencing.  Anyway, this blog has always been a bit of a frustration to me, in that I'm never totally sure what direction I want to go- so I changed the name - twice- and then thought of having two blogs to address two different forms of writing- one more serious and one more humorous.  So, as it were upon me to provide clarity- when I am posting my blogs  I will try to title it to offer direction to the topic at hand by stating "Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion On......." giving an idea of what the topic of the day is.   I have very little patience for ramblings and tangents but I am one of the worst offenders, of course.   I'm hoping to stick with this theme;  Marshall in the Middle as the title of my blog- that does not mean I'm totally in the middle politically, it means I am open to other ideas.  I like both sides and I like to hear debates- real debates - not the clown shows you see on the networks and Cable television.   It also represents my economic background as being of a  middle class background , and my heritage which is a mix of nearly every single European country- from Spain to England to France to Russia, etc....  and 18% American Indian making me officially Heinz 57 - a little bit of a lot of different- which I think makes me more "middle American".  But of course, that's entirely debatable.    I like to think I have my pulse on the mood and debates of the nation and I hope this blog offers a fresh perspective that works to see both sides of political philosophies.  Finally, I have an ancestor considered one of the founding fathers, John Marshall which I think adds some weight to my words and thoughts as I strive to open conversation and communication between differing ideas within our country just as John Marshall did as Supreme Court justice in the early 19th century.   At that point in history, The United States was struggling to become a united country,  much like today.    You see, differences between people are guaranteed- but that doesn't mean they have to result in hate or mistrust.  We can learn from each other and grow because of the debate and dialogue.  


CE Marshall 

*Because everyone's entitled to my own opinion. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Truth Sits in the Middle and Knows

 By CE Marshall

We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.

                                                    Robert Frost 

     I've always liked this small poem (it's called a couplet, I just learned) by Robert Frost, but to me it sounds better if you say "truth" instead of "secret".   The truth has always sat with moderate Americans- The Silent Majority- they used to be called. I believe we've lost something important in our society in that the middle, or the politically moderate no longer have much power and the extremes of both parties hold sway of the population.  But the middle, or an open- minded look at any political topic warrants the most truth and benefit to all of us.  We no longer have open debate !  All conversation is biased towards one side or another.  With the internet this difference has been aggravated by the echo chamber of X (previously known as Twitter) and other social media platforms where you can choose who you listen to and the differences become more and more pronounced.  Opposing ideas are non-existent.  The "other" side is evil, devious, and not to be trusted or considered.   The truth is silenced. 

     I was once told by a close friend that I'm not at all in the middle and the title of this blog is not accurate to my true opinions- it's a misnomer.  He says I'm to the extreme right.   I disagree, I am very much in the middle of people who are willing to listen to other opinions.  The left has gone so far left that their main talking points are not even legitimate points to me.  Their conversation and debates are hysterical and shrill.  They simply won't listen to other opinions.  It doesn't help that the media and whoever is running our government are fully in favor of their extremist ideas because it behooves them- the reasons are the subject of another blog.   The Deep State, or "Mad King George" as I like to call them,  are making a lot of money and maintain all their power through the mouth breathing thoughts of the "rank and file" Democrats.  These days are a special consideration regarding moderate politics,  in that the Democrats themselves have become the problem itself.  They are not a political party- they are the government itself.  I AM in the political middle of ideas regarding how our government and society should be run based on liberty, truth and justice not based on feelings, victimhood and virtue signalling.  I am open to the idea of government participation in our lives with reasonable restrictions- but not at the sacrifice of the blubbery, obscene bureaucracy that we have and pay for today.  I stand for a truth that looks and hears both sides of debates. 

     I can remember a time when people had reasonable debates and the media did not dictate their opinion to the public.  It was hard to detect any "side" from the media (The big three networks- ABC, NBC, CBS) were reasonable in their coverage and fair with opinions and debates.  The newspaper industry was not owned by a handful of liberally biased conglomerates the way it is today.  They at least appeared neutral.  Once the cable news industry started up in the 1980's,  the news became a 24 hour "thing".  You can't fill 24 hours with news everyone has heard over and over-- so, the media itself becomes the news.  And it's not profitable news if you're not angry and shrill, and hysterical and full of venom.  Honestly,  the state of the media is truly evil today.  There is no middle ground, there are only hysterical comments, name calling, finger pointing, fear mongering.  They stir the pot and profit from our fears and bias.  Common ground is neither covered 'nor discussed.  The truth is no longer the endeavor of the media- it's money and power that motivates them.  

   So, I crave the truth and I am determined it comes back into fashion.  

We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Truth sits in the middle and knows.

In My Humble Opinion.... 

Chuck Marshall   



Sunday, July 21, 2024

Media and Press Regulation Needed for the good of the Country

By CE Marshall

Bias Has Got to Stop - Muzzling *Mad King George 

     I’ve avoided the news for the last 3 ½ half years because I couldn’t stomach such an incompetent President as President Joe Biden- running our country.  I especially avoided MSNBC (or is it MSDNC?) and CNN, both of whom have given full throttled support for the Democrats and leftist philosophy.   Joe Biden was a bumbling, narrow minded liberal when he was young,  so an older Joe Biden running the country could only be exponentially worse.  How would I sleep at night ?  Now I find out that I should not have worried because most of the media diligently hid any flaws that President Biden exhibited- his incompetence was cloaked in their media frenzy to justify spooking the public away from Trump in the election.  Unfortunately for them, there was a live debate in which Biden’s incompetence could no longer be hidden- now there it is for all to see.  What to do ?   

     As I write this Joe Biden has announced he is not running for reelection and he is endorsing his VP Kamala Harris.  So, we will see who the Democrats go with, but you can rest assured that once it's decided the legacy media will give that person full support., whether they deserve it or not.   Is this serving the public, taking sides in politics ?  Doesn't "taking sides" make them a power unto themselves ?  The media has enormous power and their pandering to a particular side in politics should move them into a much more regulated group.  They have ignored Joe Biden's incompetence and famously acted as a lapdog to President Obama.  This is unacceptable.  There must be accountability when their actions threaten the future and safety of our country through biased attention that does not ask hard questions of the left side of the government.  

     What would this look like ?  I'm not exactly sure, but I would imagine it could be a mix of regulations that would require all mass media corporations to evenly cover the politics of our country.   Talking heads from the Democrats, Republican, and Independents on every national news group.   Required debates between leading politicians that offer a view to thinking on both sides of the political spectrum.  It also seems like it would be much more entertaining to hear both sides and to understand each other's thinking.  It could only do good for all of us to hear each other in civilized and fair debate.  We're never going to agree on all- but we can work towards a more happy and prosperous society with a diversity of opinions.  

 In My Humble Opinion. 

  *Mad King George is my word for the Deep State and all its minions  -  Government Agencies, Academia, Hollywood, Legacy Media and International Conglomerates.  


Sunday, July 14, 2024

The "Ruling Elite" are "Shocked" by the Situation They Created.

 By CE Marshall 

Mad King George Attempts to Have Dangerous Trump Eliminated 

          A young man attempted to kill President Trump this past week.  The young man killed an attendee at a "Trump for President" rally in Pennsylvania -  two were seriously wounded.   I wish I could say I'm shocked and confused at how such a thing could happen.  I am not.  This country is in the middle of a cold civil war between the left and the right-- Democrats and Republicans.  Each side believes the other to be absolutely evil.  The Democrats run the government and have done so through questionable relations with the mainstream media and most multi-national corporations.  In addition we have an enormous federal bureaucracy that feeds off many billions of dollars of American tax-payer money.  Our  American University system is addicted to government money like crack cocaine.  They all feel that none of us can live without them,  and they all definitely cannot live with a government that is not under their control.  

     The Republicans, while certainly not innocent victims,   have morphed into the foundation of the common American  seeking a fair debate and influence in their government now run by bureaucrats and crony corporate capitalism.  Donald Trump has steered the Republican party to this position.   Having been one of the "ruling elite" himself,  Trump understands who the ruling elites are and how they think.  He doesn't like them and they don't like him.   Because of this, conservative Americans believe he can  make some sort of difference in reigning in the "ruling elite" - what I call "Mad King George" and a federal government that has gotten way out of control.   

     Our federal government is now in the same shoes as those of previous tyrannical regimes in history.  I think of them as being similar to a modern day Mad King George III of the United Kingdom that ruled over colonial America.   Like most royals in history, the current ruling elite of the United States believe that they know better than all us little children and we need to stop feeling we have some sort of "real" say in our government- the winners and losers are decided by the media and the big money behind them.  King George believed all he did to control the American people was justified because England was their protector and Americans were not nearly sophisticated enough to rule themselves.  In addition, of course, there was quite a bit of  money and power from the growing and prosperous colonies.   In much the same way,  the ruling elite of today don't trust the American people with true power,  but they very much love our money.   They have been chipping away at our money AND our rights for a long time.  On July 13, 2024 it reached a crescendo.   

      After the tragic murder of a rally attendee and wounding of two others, the mainstream media feigns that the are just as "shocked" as the rest of us.  Nothing could be further from the truth.   This is the same media that can barely contain their hatred for Trump and have repeatedly accused him of being evil and an existential threat to Democracy.   In reality he's an existential threat to THEM.  Most major corporations are joined at the hip with the mainstream media and the lobbyists of Washington, DC who make sure the government does their bidding.   Donald Trump is a threat to their network of free money and inside influence on our government.  In their minds, Donald Trump must go.  Did they have something "directly" to do with yesterday ?   I don't know but what's truly awful in my mind, is that I cannot rule that possibility out.    "Mad King George"  knows how to play the people and the  conversation - according to their rule as dictators.  Opposing ideas and thoughts must be squashed.  Resistance is futile.  

     The Media,  multinational corporations,  our massive federal government,  academia addicted to government subsidies and money - they all have blood on their hands today.  The Democratic party as their main government partner- has the most.  They are the heart and soul of Mad King George-  In My Humble Opinion.  

Monday, May 27, 2024

Remembering Those We Never Knew But Wish We Had

By Chuck Marshall 


                                                      Lt. Robert Marshall  

  I found this picture a few years ago in my grandmother’s old photo album- Lt. Robert Marshall - she remarked "My Nephew Lt. Robert Marshall, lost in action in 1943. Pictures taken while a cadet at LSU - La." He was “lost” in action - so I assume killed - but she doesn’t say anything about where or how, and my father never mentioned this cousin. I often think about him- he’s so young with a lifetime ahead of him. A big smile with the hopes of any young man at that age. Consider those lives lost & the huge price they paid. Defeating the Nazis & Fascist Japan was the high-point of our history in my humble opinion. On this Memorial Day I remember Lt. Robert Marshall. Lost to the world in WWII.

Rest in Peace

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion Published Orlando Sentinel

 By CE Marshall

    Dear readers-- once again the Orlando Sentinel flatters me by publishing my thoughts and ramblings.  I have to say I didn't think they'd publish this one- I'm pretty critical of them.  Also,  I'm critical very specifically not in a round about way or by implication.  I'm inserting the published cutting and below that I'm publishing my original words-  they chopped part of it out but I can live with that.  What choice do I have ?  

Thanks Orlando Sentinel !  

My Original- unedited opinion 

 Re:  Justices ponder Trump's Immunity 

     Reading your lead story regarding former President Trump I found some subtle distortions of the truth that I feel compelled to point out.  That abortion and affirmative action are precedents that were "cast aside" by the courts after decades implies that once  a  concept has been cemented into the courts there is no turning back.  Laws and governments have been overturned and changed throughout history including our own country casting off  "centuries old precedents" of kings and queens.  Time does not make custom permanent.  In addition, your comment that no person is "above the law" needs to be amended.   What you mean is no Republican is above the law.  From Nixon to Trump, you and other left- leaning media are notorious for totally ignoring the misdeeds of the Democrats but scrutinizing with a microscope all things Republican.  For example,  evidence that implicates Hillary Clinton is "accidentally" destroyed in a fire and Hunter Biden's laptop is "his own business" and not pertinent to his father's campaign for the White House.   We do have Kings and Queens today but they don't sit in palaces on thrones.  They sit in boardrooms and newsrooms manipulating the truth towards their own endeavors.   

In My Humble Opinion....