Friday, March 31, 2023

Trump Indictment Should be Followed by More

 By CE Marshall


     I'm not too surprised at the indictment of President Trump due to his flagrant disregard for the "powers that be" in the courts and all over the power centers of the "Ruling Class"; traditional Media,  Pharmaceuticals,  international corporations, academia, Hollywood, etc...   Nobody should be surprised by this.  They hate him for more than his bad manners.  He removed their mask and all illusion that they have any concern for the interests of the citizens of this country.   He "pulled on superman's cape", and has repeatedly exposed them for who they are, so much so, that it's really no longer a mystery unless you're not very smart.  In some ways it does open the door to more of the same as Trump's arrest will most likely empower the Republicans to do the same to Democrats.  So,  it might end up being a good thing so that we can go through a few decades of political leaders actually paying for their misdeeds.    After all the hoopla and outrage from the Trumpkins, the question is if Donald Trump paid hush money to keep a porn star quiet?  Who really doubts that he did ?  Let the arresting continue and in the meantime, let the people start getting their power back and stop being such pushovers to our corrupt government and whatever shiny new obnoxious personality arrives on the scene.   It's "We the People", not "We the Ruling Class", as much as they hate the fact.  

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Drugging and Mutilation of Children Must Stop

By CE Marshall 

    We require 13 years of age for certain movies, 18 years of age for cinema with adult content and language, 16 years of age to drive, and 18 years of age for a person to be drafted for war or to vote.  Twenty-one years of age to buy a gun or to drink alcohol.  BUT we are okay with children making life-long decisions regarding their reproduction and their physical bodies regarding sexuality.  Something they have almost no understanding of before puberty.  Even during puberty and the years right after,  it is a work in progress- not a finished physique.   Explaining and addressing concerns for children regarding their gender and their sexuality is like speaking French to an English speaker who has never taken French.  They simply don't understand the situation.  At all.  So, why are we presenting them with the concept at all ?   

     The role of the parent and the schools is to prepare children for life and I fail to see how this does anything but cause them concern and stress at a time in their life when it is not necessary to lay this on their minds.  Suggestion is a powerful thing, and vulnerable children will tend towards solutions to uncomfortable feelings that are often not in their best interest.  We are no longer the protector of our children when we suggest they can choose their gender.   We are part of the problem.  This is the consequence of twisted adult minds in schools and abusive parents that see their children as a project that reflects their "progressive" thinking and abundant virtue.  I can handle virtue signalling parents and teachers when the consequences are minimal to anyone but themselves and those unfortunate enough to have to hear them.  This understanding stops when they are coercing children to make such significant decisions at a very early, very vulnerable age.  It is child abuse and should be treated as such- no different than the children of parents that beat them.  

     All puberty blockers should be banned.  All gender surgeries should be restricted to 21 or older without exception.  All direction or explanation regarding gender options should not be presented in any school whatsoever under college age.  Those suffering or who think they are suffering from Gender Dysphoria under the age of 21 should get an abundance of therapy, fresh air, restricted internet access, exercise, and dietary review.  Only after all options have been reviewed and studied for these psychologically confused youngsters should ANYTHING else be considered.  Any such action should be restricted to 21 or older.  All other actions should be categorized as child abuse by the parents and/or teachers.  Mutilation of young bodies to help them with a condition that is purely mental- should result in the arrest and prosecution of the guilty surgeon.  All pharmaceuticals selling puberty blockers and other gender "adjusting" drugs to children and young adults today, should have legal action taken against them for the irreparable and life-long damages caused to millions of people.  Let the suing begin.  

In My Humble Opinion..... 


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Protecting and Caring for the Innocent

 By C.E Marshall 

Dear Readers--  sorry it has been so long, I took a break from paying any attention to the news for my own health and sanity but of course, that can't last forever.  All vacations must end.  I opened the local newspaper "The Orlando Sentinel" and it only took about 5 minutes for me to start fuming again.  Back in the saddle !  So, of course, I wrote a letter and they continue to flatter me by printing the majority of my letters.  

     My thoughts elaborating on protecting our children may wind up being  a short series for Marshall in the Middle.  Let's just say that I don't hold back when I see children being manipulated and used by the "powers that be" for their own pleasure and/or profit.  That is never okay and there are few things that "grind my gears" as much as such a thing.