Sunday, July 21, 2024

Media and Press Regulation Needed for the good of the Country

By CE Marshall

Bias Has Got to Stop - Muzzling *Mad King George 

     I’ve avoided the news for the last 3 ½ half years because I couldn’t stomach such an incompetent President as President Joe Biden- running our country.  I especially avoided MSNBC (or is it MSDNC?) and CNN, both of whom have given full throttled support for the Democrats and leftist philosophy.   Joe Biden was a bumbling, narrow minded liberal when he was young,  so an older Joe Biden running the country could only be exponentially worse.  How would I sleep at night ?  Now I find out that I should not have worried because most of the media diligently hid any flaws that President Biden exhibited- his incompetence was cloaked in their media frenzy to justify spooking the public away from Trump in the election.  Unfortunately for them, there was a live debate in which Biden’s incompetence could no longer be hidden- now there it is for all to see.  What to do ?   

     As I write this Joe Biden has announced he is not running for reelection and he is endorsing his VP Kamala Harris.  So, we will see who the Democrats go with, but you can rest assured that once it's decided the legacy media will give that person full support., whether they deserve it or not.   Is this serving the public, taking sides in politics ?  Doesn't "taking sides" make them a power unto themselves ?  The media has enormous power and their pandering to a particular side in politics should move them into a much more regulated group.  They have ignored Joe Biden's incompetence and famously acted as a lapdog to President Obama.  This is unacceptable.  There must be accountability when their actions threaten the future and safety of our country through biased attention that does not ask hard questions of the left side of the government.  

     What would this look like ?  I'm not exactly sure, but I would imagine it could be a mix of regulations that would require all mass media corporations to evenly cover the politics of our country.   Talking heads from the Democrats, Republican, and Independents on every national news group.   Required debates between leading politicians that offer a view to thinking on both sides of the political spectrum.  It also seems like it would be much more entertaining to hear both sides and to understand each other's thinking.  It could only do good for all of us to hear each other in civilized and fair debate.  We're never going to agree on all- but we can work towards a more happy and prosperous society with a diversity of opinions.  

 In My Humble Opinion. 

  *Mad King George is my word for the Deep State and all its minions  -  Government Agencies, Academia, Hollywood, Legacy Media and International Conglomerates.  


Sunday, July 14, 2024

The "Ruling Elite" are "Shocked" by the Situation They Created.

 By CE Marshall 

Mad King George Attempts to Have Dangerous Trump Eliminated 

          A young man attempted to kill President Trump this past week.  The young man killed an attendee at a "Trump for President" rally in Pennsylvania -  two were seriously wounded.   I wish I could say I'm shocked and confused at how such a thing could happen.  I am not.  This country is in the middle of a cold civil war between the left and the right-- Democrats and Republicans.  Each side believes the other to be absolutely evil.  The Democrats run the government and have done so through questionable relations with the mainstream media and most multi-national corporations.  In addition we have an enormous federal bureaucracy that feeds off many billions of dollars of American tax-payer money.  Our  American University system is addicted to government money like crack cocaine.  They all feel that none of us can live without them,  and they all definitely cannot live with a government that is not under their control.  

     The Republicans, while certainly not innocent victims,   have morphed into the foundation of the common American  seeking a fair debate and influence in their government now run by bureaucrats and crony corporate capitalism.  Donald Trump has steered the Republican party to this position.   Having been one of the "ruling elite" himself,  Trump understands who the ruling elites are and how they think.  He doesn't like them and they don't like him.   Because of this, conservative Americans believe he can  make some sort of difference in reigning in the "ruling elite" - what I call "Mad King George" and a federal government that has gotten way out of control.   

     Our federal government is now in the same shoes as those of previous tyrannical regimes in history.  I think of them as being similar to a modern day Mad King George III of the United Kingdom that ruled over colonial America.   Like most royals in history, the current ruling elite of the United States believe that they know better than all us little children and we need to stop feeling we have some sort of "real" say in our government- the winners and losers are decided by the media and the big money behind them.  King George believed all he did to control the American people was justified because England was their protector and Americans were not nearly sophisticated enough to rule themselves.  In addition, of course, there was quite a bit of  money and power from the growing and prosperous colonies.   In much the same way,  the ruling elite of today don't trust the American people with true power,  but they very much love our money.   They have been chipping away at our money AND our rights for a long time.  On July 13, 2024 it reached a crescendo.   

      After the tragic murder of a rally attendee and wounding of two others, the mainstream media feigns that the are just as "shocked" as the rest of us.  Nothing could be further from the truth.   This is the same media that can barely contain their hatred for Trump and have repeatedly accused him of being evil and an existential threat to Democracy.   In reality he's an existential threat to THEM.  Most major corporations are joined at the hip with the mainstream media and the lobbyists of Washington, DC who make sure the government does their bidding.   Donald Trump is a threat to their network of free money and inside influence on our government.  In their minds, Donald Trump must go.  Did they have something "directly" to do with yesterday ?   I don't know but what's truly awful in my mind, is that I cannot rule that possibility out.    "Mad King George"  knows how to play the people and the  conversation - according to their rule as dictators.  Opposing ideas and thoughts must be squashed.  Resistance is futile.  

     The Media,  multinational corporations,  our massive federal government,  academia addicted to government subsidies and money - they all have blood on their hands today.  The Democratic party as their main government partner- has the most.  They are the heart and soul of Mad King George-  In My Humble Opinion.  

Monday, May 27, 2024

Remembering Those We Never Knew But Wish We Had

By Chuck Marshall 


                                                      Lt. Robert Marshall  

  I found this picture a few years ago in my grandmother’s old photo album- Lt. Robert Marshall - she remarked "My Nephew Lt. Robert Marshall, lost in action in 1943. Pictures taken while a cadet at LSU - La." He was “lost” in action - so I assume killed - but she doesn’t say anything about where or how, and my father never mentioned this cousin. I often think about him- he’s so young with a lifetime ahead of him. A big smile with the hopes of any young man at that age. Consider those lives lost & the huge price they paid. Defeating the Nazis & Fascist Japan was the high-point of our history in my humble opinion. On this Memorial Day I remember Lt. Robert Marshall. Lost to the world in WWII.

Rest in Peace

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion Published Orlando Sentinel

 By CE Marshall

    Dear readers-- once again the Orlando Sentinel flatters me by publishing my thoughts and ramblings.  I have to say I didn't think they'd publish this one- I'm pretty critical of them.  Also,  I'm critical very specifically not in a round about way or by implication.  I'm inserting the published cutting and below that I'm publishing my original words-  they chopped part of it out but I can live with that.  What choice do I have ?  

Thanks Orlando Sentinel !  

My Original- unedited opinion 

 Re:  Justices ponder Trump's Immunity 

     Reading your lead story regarding former President Trump I found some subtle distortions of the truth that I feel compelled to point out.  That abortion and affirmative action are precedents that were "cast aside" by the courts after decades implies that once  a  concept has been cemented into the courts there is no turning back.  Laws and governments have been overturned and changed throughout history including our own country casting off  "centuries old precedents" of kings and queens.  Time does not make custom permanent.  In addition, your comment that no person is "above the law" needs to be amended.   What you mean is no Republican is above the law.  From Nixon to Trump, you and other left- leaning media are notorious for totally ignoring the misdeeds of the Democrats but scrutinizing with a microscope all things Republican.  For example,  evidence that implicates Hillary Clinton is "accidentally" destroyed in a fire and Hunter Biden's laptop is "his own business" and not pertinent to his father's campaign for the White House.   We do have Kings and Queens today but they don't sit in palaces on thrones.  They sit in boardrooms and newsrooms manipulating the truth towards their own endeavors.   

In My Humble Opinion....  

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Transgender Movement and Children

 By Chuck Marshall

Published April 13  in  The Christian Post

One brief comment- the Christian Post chose to change a few things on my OP-Ed, I've decided to post it below on my blog in its original form. 

Original Title was;  "To This Decision We Leave Our Children"

We require 13 years of age for certain movies, 18 years of age for cinema with adult content and language, 16 years of age to drive, 19 years of age for a person to be drafted for war or to vote, and 21 years of age to buy a gun or to drink alcohol. However, we are OK with children making life-long decisions regarding their reproduction and their physical bodies regarding sexuality as young as their pre-teenage years. This is a decision regarding something they have almost no understanding of before puberty. They're children. Even during puberty and through adolescence the human body is a work in progress, not a finished physique. 

     Explaining and addressing concerns for children regarding their gender and their sexuality is like speaking French to an English speaker who has never taken French. They simply don't understand the situation. At all. So, why are we presenting them with the concept at all?   

     The role of parents and the schools is to prepare children for life. I fail to see how presenting and elaborating on the concept of “gender dysphoria” does anything but cause children confusion and stress at a time in their lives when they're just trying to figure out who they are as a human being. Suggestion is a powerful thing, and vulnerable children will tend towards solutions to uncomfortable feelings that are often not in their best interest. We are no longer the protector of our children when we suggest they can choose their gender. We are part of the problem. 

     This is the consequence of twisted adult minds in schools and abusive parents who see children as a project and a victim, not a person with a future life they are taking away. I can handle virtue-signaling parents and teachers when the consequences are minimal to anyone but themselves and those unfortunate enough to have to hear them. This patience stops when they start to suggest this change is a good solution for these young, confused minds.      

     I ponder where our society has gone in that our own children are not safe from us. I think about who should be the moral characters and authorities regarding all this, if not the parents? The Doctors. Where are the doctors and where is the Hippocratic Oath; “First, do no harm?”  How could any doctor, in their right mind and with the best intentions for a patient, encourage them to proceed with a life-altering procedure when the patient is incapable of understanding the consequences?  Is there any guilt or doubt in their mind while they do it?  When administering hormones or drugs that will sterilize the child for life, do they think about that fact? As they remove healthy body parts that will mutilate them for life, does it occur to them that this is a child they are dissecting?  The psychiatrists. Where are the psychiatrists? Why did they cede control over gender dysphoria to the drug makers and the surgeons when this is so obviously a psychological problem? The churches. Where are the churches? Words cannot express my horror towards the many churches that have shown such cowardice these last few years with their regard to modern society and its latest barbaric fad. 

     May these churches heed these words: “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that He will not hear. For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt. Your lips have spoken falsely and your tongue mutters wickedly. No one calls for justice; no one pleads a case for integrity, they rely on empty arguments, they utter lies” (Isaiah 59: 2- 4).

     All puberty blockers should be banned. All gender surgeries should be restricted to 21 or older without exception. All directions or explanations regarding gender options should not be presented in any school whatsoever under college age. Those suffering or who think they are suffering from Gender Dysphoria under the age of 21 should get an abundance of therapy, fresh air, restricted internet access, exercise, and dietary review. Let's figure out what's wrong here. Only after all options have been reviewed and studied for these psychologically confused youngsters should anything else be considered. 

     All other actions should be categorized as child abuse by the parents and/or teachers, doctors, and psychiatrists. Mutilating young bodies to help them with a condition that is purely mental should result in the arrest and prosecution of the guilty surgeon. All pharmaceuticals selling puberty blockers and other gender “adjusting” drugs to children and young adults today, should have legal action taken against them for the irreparable and life-long damages caused to so many minors.       

     Sometimes I wonder at the reaction of our society to all this. I feel like a German citizen during the Holocaust, sitting in my home as the Nazis haul off my Jewish neighbors. The parents, surgeons, and child predators remove children from schools and convince them of something impossible. They then convince them to commit a form of suicide that will supposedly make them feel better. After it’s all done, the children and their families must deal with the physical and emotional consequences of the drugs and surgeries, often resulting in real suicides. The ordinary US citizen ignores this mental deportation of our children. They’re too afraid to speak up even in the face of brutal reality. 

          The good Germans must have rationalized their neighbors’ disappearance also.  They must have justified it because they too were afraid to speak up.  “Maybe it is for their best.  Maybe it is helping them.  Maybe they’re better off in resettlement camps.  Maybe the drugs do work.  Maybe they are sending them to Palestine.  Maybe they really can change their gender and be happy.”   German citizens are notorious for having uttered the comments “We didn’t know” when asked about the Holocaust after WWII.  What they meant was "We didn’t want to know".  Meanwhile the millions choked on the gas.   How many lives will be ruined after all this is over because we, the adults, convinced ourselves this is all somebody else's problem and maybe it's for the best ?  

      “So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance;  truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter.  Truths is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes prey.  The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.  He saw that there was no one.  He was appalled that there was no intervention”    Isaiah 59: 14-16