Thursday, November 30, 2023

Argument for a Convention of the States: Part 3

 Dear Readers- 

As promised, here is the second of a four part series explaining the Convention of States and why I see it as the best hope for our future and our children's future.  This was originally published here on Blogspot on May 25, ,2020.  

By CE "Chuck" Marshall 

 So, today we have a federal government that has grown to proportions of debt that are not sustainable.  The national debt stands at around $24 Trillion and there is no end in sight.  That's equivalent to $69,000 for every human being in the United States.  Our leaders spend money as if there is no consequence to the debt.   I ask ;  "How could never-ending spending have no consequence" ?   Surely, there are consequences.  And, this begs the question;  "What would national bankruptcy look like ?"   I'm not an economist but most likely a world-wide depression would result with catastrophic consequences for our children and grandchildren including widespread poverty, war and disease.  (Read "The Grapes of Wrath" or watch "Cinderella Man" if you want to get a slice of depression era life)

There are other consequences right now;   

1)  The government creates an agency for every conceivable problem thus making that problem permanent.  Why permanent ?  Because where's the motivation for those directing or working for that agency to fix the problem ?  If you're successful you're putting yourself out of work.  So, they grow and grow and grow.   Like a massive corporation that solves no problem and builds nothing.  Never is there an end game.  

2)  The federal government spends money for wars, foreign support,  social welfare benefits, the arts, public buildings, university research, etc.... (the list could go on and on quite a bit)  with no attention to the economies of these endeavors and without bringing in money to cover the expense.  It simply spends money that's not its own.  Indeed, it spends money that does not exist hence the $24 Trillion of debt.    In addition, as with the problem with agencies above - what's the end game to all this ?   Is there an intention to fix the problem and find solutions or to simply spend as much money as possible ?  

3)  They wage wars and send our young people across the oceans to be killed and maimed in wars that often do not involve us directly and always cost quite a bit of money.  The Iraqi War cost several Trillion dollars alone.   Is spending trillions of dollars on a foreign nation's internal problems really worth it ?  Nation building is not in our constitution.  There have been exceptions in history, such as in standing up to the horrors of Nazism but that is rarely the case for the wars here in the 21st century.  There are other ways to influence the world with American integrity and decency that do not involve our young people getting butchered on foreign soil.  

4)   They don't raise taxes because it would cost votes.   They don't suggest minimizing social welfare because that would cost votes.   Certainly no reduction in our military because it never seems to be a good time and...... would cost votes !   So, nobody is willing to do the hard work and make the tough decisions because it's easier not to.  

     The national debt is but one problem.   The scope of the federal government's size is so large that protesting its actions seems hopeless.  Along with that enormous size comes enormous power for all involved.  The tentacles of such a powerful government can reach into many aspects of our lives, and with the onset of social media and the internet, it's even easier to "control" what people are allowed to hear.   So many elections have produced the same "do nothing" politicians that ally themselves with one of the major parties and nothing gets done  It's a never ending argument between them with the American citizen as the unfortunate victim.   

     In addition, many of our national leaders seem to get suddenly wealthy after working in the capital for a few terms.   I have no proof of nefarious actions but it certainly doesn't make sense to send people to DC who very quickly find financial benefit.  They leave their home states with bright eyed concepts of "fixing things" only to morph into the sleaziness of our modern day Rome- Washington, DC with its bureaucrats and corporate lobbyists who make them mysteriously wealthy.    "This is for the benefit of the American people" they seem to convince themselves.  Especially the American people sitting in the halls of Congress- Mad King George again !  Is that being a representative ?  It's all farcical !  
In My Humble Opinion.  CM

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Argument for a Convention of States - Part 2 - The Biceps of Liberty

 Dear readers,

As promised, here is the second of a four part series explaining the Convention of States and why I see it as the best hope for our future and our children's future.  This was originally published here on Blogspot on May 22, ,2020.  Have a great Thanksgiving.  

By CE "Chuck" Marshall

                                                            The Biceps of Liberty 

     For those not wrapped up in politics or who are simply not well acquainted with the Constitution, there is an article within the constitution that provides for the power of the states to reign in the federal government.  It's called Article 5.  Why have you never heard of this ?  There are many reasons.  The "powers that be" (or "Mad King George", as it were)  don't want you to know about it because it means they would have less power and influence if it were to be exercised.  In addition, because it has not been exercised this important muscle of the "body politic" has grown fat and flabby.  We, the American people,  have not been working this muscle.   In fact Article 5 has hardly been used at all since it was inserted into the constitution over 200 yeas ago at this writing.   I say it's time to pull out the dumbells and start working the "biceps of liberty" to get our country back to being within control and under the power of the people.  

      Article 5 states this;  "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."

     It's important to note as you read, that it mentions congress and two thirds of both houses, amendments shall be proposed OR "on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments".  That's where the Convention of States comes into play.  The reason this is so important is it's highly unlikely anyone in Washington, DC will call for limiting their power at the federal level in favor of the states.  That will not happen.  The only way for the people to truly correct the overreaching power and malevolence of the national government is for them to be forced to give up this power.  They will not enact laws or amendments that reduce their own power.   Our  "Mad King George" has no interest or intention of relinquishing his crown voluntarily.  

In My Humble Opinion, CM 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Argument for a Convention of States - Part 1 - Common Sense

Dear readers-- this was the first of a four part series regarding a Convention of States- as promised last week I am posting the entire series to reiterate my personal opinion that this is the only way for the common man to recover liberties lost to the "Great Deciders" these past several decades. This first one was posted May 20, 2020.  

By CE "Chuck" Marshall

                                                     Thomas Jefferson 

"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.”   Thomas Paine, 1776 from Common Sense.  

      These were the immortal words of Thomas Paine in 1776 at the introduction of his book "Common Sense".   His book is credited with changing the mind of enough colonial Americans to side with a revolution against England.  He inspired them to stop being afraid, to start thinking for themselves,  and stand up to the King of England and all his allied power here in North America.   

     We have our own King of England today, but it's not the actual King of England, of course.   It's the media establishment, the political parties, the multinational corporations and the Lobbyists of our capitals that do the bidding of the wealthiest and most powerful people and entities of the world.  They are the “Mad King George" of our times. 

      In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson declared that; 

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” 

       Indeed, we do have  our own "Mad King George" today.   Our "Mad King George" is a federal government out of control with spending, drunk on power, beholden to large moneyed special interests, and at constant battle within itself as one party versus the other.  A never ending orgy of spending, avarice, petulance, greed,  partisan warfare and malevolent intentions that leave the American citizen as the least important aspect of their daily endeavors.  It's time to consider Thomas Jefferson's words and review our arsenal of power as Americans.  The time has come, in my humble opinion.   

Friday, November 3, 2023

Convention of States - A Modern Mayflower for the Common Man

 By CE "Chuck" Marshall 

     I have written several times- including a series back in 2020- regarding the need for a Convention of States to pull back power from the federal government.  This continues to be a need in society and it is most evident by the resistance to the idea by the ruling elite of our country and even our world;  The Media, Corporations, Academia,  Banking, Pharmaceuticals, Political Parties, and big government advocates within the government itself.   The government has become a behemoth.  An  elephantine, gargantuan blubbery mess of red tape, bureaucracy, and cronyism.  The last person on earth any of them has any concern for is the common man.  To monitor how effective an idea such as COS could be is to monitor how much these groups hate the idea,  and they really hate this idea.  Why?  It removes their power to one degree or another and lets us "commoners" rule ourselves much like the Pilgrims and our ancestors did in their voyage to America to escape the tyrants of Europe- Kings, Queens and dictatorial church doctrine.  You could say the COS is a modern version of the Mayflower- sailing away from mother Europe and all its phony, self important royals who claim to have great concern for "their people" when nothing could be further from the truth (although it could very well be true in their own heads).  I've tried to develop a term to refer to the modern tyrants we live under- "Mad King George" I tried but that's too comical and benign.  Big Brother fits the mold but George Orwell beat me to it- although if you've read the book it's really so very apt.  Perhaps "Brave New World" has some terminology that could be drawn out so any reader that has a suggestion please do so!

    Anyway, for the month of November I will be re-posting my 4 part series on the COS for all to read and consider.  You are a citizen of the United States of America - this is an avenue for you to get your power back.  An avenue to shake off the shackles of the real oppression we are feeling as the government and the greater society of the modern world continue to decide for us what is best for us.  Get off your asses and start doing it.  

Perhaps that's the title I need for them-   "The Great Deciders" ?