Friday, April 22, 2022

The Mainstream Media- Rulers of the Modern World

 Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion on Society's Mendacity 

By Charles Eldridge Marshall 

         Seeking the truth in all matters is the same as seeking God.  I  like to consider Truths of any matter because in the Truth is God and in God is purpose and reason for this life.  Whatever way you see God,  it must be admitted that there is nothing in self at the end of life.  That is why it's so empty to live life for the self.  At the end of it all, there's nothing there.   People ask "Is God real?"  A more appropriate question would be "Is mankind real?".   So much of what we do is empty and self serving.   Like a bad comic book character.   It would make more sense,  if at the end of it all,  we're the fake beings living in the reality of a living God.  He's the only true reality and we're simply figments of His imagination.  When people die they are wadded up like a bad sketch and He discards them for lack of substance.  Perhaps, though, some He saves. 

     As my heading states;  Wise Government delivers Truth, Justice and Liberty.  I feel that the three are intertwined and you can't have one without the other.  If the truth is spoken and allowed to be spoken then Justice and Liberty will naturally follow.  

     My first big "Truth Be Told" is that our enormous government is largely influenced by the Mainstream Media  (which, for the purpose of this blog includes the large internet  players;  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google) who are not too familiar with Truth.  Our enormous government is to the point of existing for it's own purpose and it stays there through media support.  The lack of truth in government and leadership has flowed from the Mainstream Media.  Government is to the point of existing for itself and profit only.  It's no longer for the people, it's for the ruling class.   Flowing from the media are those who benefit from their approval;   academia, corporations,  entertainment, the three branches of government (enrobed by a massively bloated bureaucracy).  These groups decide our laws and in large part they decide our elections.  They are mostly entrenched in their own survival much like the scribes and pharisees from the days of old.  They preen around pronouncing to us how great they are while they rob us of the Truth through their lies and self aggrandizement.  They insist we admire them and all their good works while the good works benefit mostly themselves.  We're treated as little children that are incapable of ruling ourselves.   Such suspicions of the rule of mankind are similar to the royals of centuries ago.  Those days are not over, they just have a different face.  

     Witness the media as it dictates to us what to think and how to vote.  Open discussion and debate is long gone in all arenas and each news entity has its own agenda.  Every news article is clothed in opinions but naked of facts.  The Truth is last on their list.  You cannot vote for the person best qualified for the job because you have no idea what is the Truth.  This lack of clarity keeps them in power.  Like the Kings and Queens of old Europe, they see themselves as innately superior to the common man.   But why do so few people stand up to ask "From what authority did that come?".   How could God choose a particular person or group to rule over mankind  when we're all equal in His eyes ?  The only way for the Truth to rule is for the people themselves to vote freely as fully informed citizens.  In addition, there cannot be any hidden agendas lurking in the corners of our media as is common place today.  In today's world,  all of that is impossible.  

       The true power comes from the ones that control information.  The government cannot control all information, as much as it would like to, but it can influence and buy the favor of the media to manipulate elections in the favor of those who want more of their own control over the government.  Today, all powerful groups and people must win the favor of the media to maintain or gain power.  It all flows from the media and those that own and operate it.  The last thing they want to see is the average citizen having any significant influence on "how things are run" because they, the media and all their cronies in ruling class are the ones to call the shots.  We are incapable, as far as they are concerned.  So they manipulate and are the puppeteers of the government,  entertainment, business, and as a consequence  - the elections.  That is why the mainstream media are the rulers of today's world.  

In My Humble Opinion.....

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