Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trump Causes Deep Fear in Some Important People - Why ?

 By CE Marshall 

                                                        The Scream- by Edvard Munch 

Fear is the kissing cousin to hate 

     I've been watching Trump for a while now and I can't help but come to a conclusion regarding the man, other than some of the obvious adjectives.  The man instills fear in a lot of powerful people.  I've written blogs "pro" and "con" regarding President Trump over the years,  but this is the first where I'm reflecting on how people react to him, the man,  as President, as former President,  and as possible future President.   People fear him.  I don't mean the ordinary Democratic voter, the screeching Karens and virtue signalling college students - those who hate him for his "name calling" and his "mean tweets".    No, there's something else going on here.   That's the only conclusion I can come to after a lot of  consideration.  A lot of important people fear Donald Trump to a significant degree. 

     Consider:   The corporate media created their monster.   Trump runs for President and the mainstream media thinks they can steer the Republicans away from any candidate that has a chance to beat Hillary Clinton (in their mind) by cornering the GOP into having to take Donald Trump - a living, breathing, ogre.  Oh joy, the first female President !   They orchestrated his primary successes with very neutral reporting- not really emphasizing his bad manners.  "Let the Republicans take the ogre against our darling, Hillary Clinton and we now have history".  Remember,  the media were really not visibly opposed to Trump until he actually won in 2016.  Why ?  Because he was NOT supposed to win!  When he won, you could see their shock on the screen.  "How could this be ?  We selected Hillary to be President"   They did not do the job of *Mad King George.  In fact, they failed miserably.   Today, they are determined that does not occur again as they pull out 99% of all criticism towards Trump here in 2024.   It could be their heads !  There is almost no effort to find out about Kamala Harris.  Is this because they like her ? No !  It's because they're afraid of Trump and the consequences of not holding up their part in the royal court.  People in power are afraid of him.  

    Consider:  Donald Trump spends a huge part of his 4 year term as President fighting off the "Russia Collusion" accusations that ended up causing his impeachments.  What Russian collusion ?  So we're to believe that the Russians along with Donald Trump fooled Americans into voting for him in 2016 ?  That is the logic of the entire accusation.  It doesn't even make sense.  How ?  The entire thing was a ruse and you never hear it spoken of anymore because it reads like a ridiculous accusation that the media were only too happy to oblige- even though they knew it didn't make any sense.  Only the true rank and file of the Democratic party actually believed there was anything going on with Trump and Russia.  They were stealing the headlines away from Donald Trump.  People in power are afraid of him.  

Consider:  The mysterious COVID virus that suddenly popped up just on time to deflate the economy that Trump had built up with pro-business policies.  Those in fear could not allow a re-election of Donald Trump and they're even willing to drag down the economy in order to sabotage his chances.  The significance of the COVID virus under a normal President (that powerful people did not fear), would have been to get the vulnerable people away from crowds to protect them.  It's that simple. The media and their fearful masters decided to exploit the situation by stirring  up fears that ALL people need to hide in their houses as if they were also vulnerable to dying from COVID.   Then their candidate could blame Donald Trump for all the bad that is happening.  Kamila Harris even used that in this election during the debate when she mentioned the high unemployment and horrible economy back in 2020 -- counting on her dim-witted constituents not to consider that there was a pandemic going on at the time.  Powerful people are afraid of him. 

Consider:  The coup that occurred against Joe Biden to remove him from the possibility of losing to Donald Trump - which was looking more and more likely with each passing week.  I'm sincerely surprised he's still alive.  Powerful people are afraid of him. 

Consider:  Two attempts on Donald Trump's life as of this writing - both under very odd, mysterious circumstances.  I'm not going to get into the details of the questions behind each attempt, let's suffice it to say- Powerful people are afraid of him.  

     Donald Trump is the first person who could step into the White House and conceivably turn on the lights of the nation's capital  to reveal the swarm of roaches scurrying away all over Washington, DC.  Heads of blubbery fat agencies.  Bureaucrats by the millions.  Lobbyists and Washington insiders.  All the little piggies suckling at the tit of the American tax payer.   In the past,  Presidents - from either political side- would just play along with the rape of the American people.  We already know Trump won't.  That's why ordinary middle class people like him !  Powerful people are afraid of Donald Trump.  Who are these powerful people exactly ?  I don't know !  Likely they are very powerful and wealthy people - all over the world- that do not want to be revealed or discussed by you and me.  Some may be famous.  A lot probably who have gained from this rigged system- names we all know.   Mad King George and his royal court.  The fear that he instills in them implies something significant- not just that they may lose some money, maybe some power.  I sense a lot of them fear incarceration.  Prison.  That would explain the hyper effort to block him at every turn.  

     Powerful people are afraid of Donald Trump because he was one of them and he knows their game and he's not afraid of them.  As President he may legitimately find out things that could lead them to lose everything, including their freedom.  In my humble opinion..... 

*Mad King George is my name for the morass of powerful groups that suckle at the tit of America to get richer and more powerful - the corporate media, the big pharmaceuticals, the medical field,  mutli-national banks and corporations,  Hollywood, lobbyists, academia (universities receive massive amounts of money from the government) and they have no regard for ordinary Americans, in fact they most likely hate us.  Howard Stern announced this week regarding "anyone" that supports Trump is someone he "hates".  We are what the French aristocrats would call the "bourgeois".  Basically an insult to ordinary middle class people.  You know, the ones that really do make the world function.  


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Great Debate: Trump VS Harris

By CE Marshall

*Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion (CMHO) regarding the (first?) 2024 presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.  

Taking a break from "An American Voice" (We are past the first chapter, now- Chapter 2 is coming up, loyal readers !)  today with remarks regarding the debate last night between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in Philadelphia, PA. 

ABC Reminds Me Why I Avoid the Legacy Media  

     After avoiding much of the theatrics of our process of selecting leaders here in the 21st century,  I decided I would have to endure the debate last night as an informed citizen  (at least to the extent that I'm allowed to see the truth of matters of state and reality by today's media and talking heads- **Mad King George)  and observe the political circus that is the world we suffer in.  That is the subject of today's blog.  

Top  Takeaways 

1)  Kamala Harris can form full sentences that make coherent sense.  I wasn't sure. She was well spoken with clear thoughts and seemed self assured as the debate moved forward.  She will not be a blithering non-entity like President Biden.  Although, most likely to be a puppet of Mad King George, she will hold her own to a certain extent.  At least the mirage that the President springs from one person and not corporate overlords and foreign interests will be restored.  The rumors on X are that she was given the questions by ABC before the debate, much like Hillary Clinton received questions from CNN back in 2015.  Did she ?  We don't know, but if she was she studied them pretty well- and there were no questions that should have been a shock to Donald Trump.  I agree it's unfair, but I'm not sure it made a big difference in the debate.  

2)  Donald Trump was bombastic and rambling in his thoughts and reactions as is normal for him.  The man can brag like nobody I've ever beheld.  It's very annoying,  but nobody should expect anything else from him.  He turned nearly every question into comments regarding the borders and illegal immigration.  Although the tactic was not very attractive to watch, I think he is hitting on a frustration that all Americans feel today.  So, was it pretty ?  No. Was it effective ?  Possibly.  It is the greatest failing of Kamala Harris- our "border Czar" (rolling eyes here).  I do think he had the best line of the night- that Kamala should go wake Biden up from his nap at 4 in the afternoon to sign an executive order to close the borders.  It also served to clarify to most Americans, especially younger ones who have very little understanding of how our government works, that the President does NOT need Congress to seal the borders.   Harris was making it sound like Trump caused Congress to disagree on  border security legislation.  Even if he did, that is irrelevant.  She and Biden always had the power to seal our borders.    

3)  The "legacy media" or the *"Mad King George" in the room did it's usual job of  bringing down the threat that is Donald Trump.  There were leading questions for Harris to make sure she got the answer correct.  There was fact-checking for Trump regarding issues such as abortion that demanded an answer from Harris, not Trump.   They were obvious regarding who they wanted to "win" the debate.   No surprise here- ABC and the legacy media favor the Democratic party and they no longer hide it to any extent.  

4)  I was reminded of Bill Clinton in the way that Kamala has changed her mind on issues to suit the audience.   Watching this debate you would assume she's a "centrist" but most of her previous life has been calling out to do everything liberal.  Extreme gun control.  Open borders.  Abortion to the 8th and 9th month.   Health care for all and an end to private health insurance.  Transgender surgeries for  illegal immigrants.  Anything that money can take care of, the Democrats will promise.  They're very good at spending our money.  

5)  Did I mention the need for legal abortions ?  Kamala came out swinging on this one because she knows this is a point of contention to a lot of Americans.  Trump did a reasonably good job of - again- giving the mouth breathers in the audience a civics lesson.  Although she says she will make abortion the "law of the land" she cannot do that except through Congress which is unlikely to happen anytime soon.  Congress is too divided to unite on anything of substance.  

     At the end of the night, I didn't feel either candidate really "won" the debate as is often the conversation.  My thoughts are that Trump reflected the anger of our country towards the incompetence of the government and the advantages that go to those with money and power.  He was full of praise for himself and defensive of himself, as always.   Kamala Harris supported Mad King George very well and exhibited that she is there to serve "his royal highness" as best she can given her new found circumstances to be possibly elected the most powerful puppet in the world.  

In my humble opinion......because everyone's entitled to my own opinion. 

**Mad King George is my term for the "powers that be" of the 21st century. The legacy Media or Mainstream media,  large international corporations and their lobbyists, academia, pharmaceuticals, big food companies.  All the piggies suckling at the tit of other people's money  pushing aside all truth and decency to enable and enrich themselves.