Friday, January 17, 2025

The Democrat Party : Incompetent and Traitorous

 By CE Marshall

                                               The Face of the Democrat Party

     These days the Democrats are struggling mightily after losing badly in the last election to a convicted felon (via a Kangaroo court of their creation).  This included losing the popular vote by over 2 Million votes and losing all 7 swing states (as the media deemed them).  They lost the House of Representatives.  They lost the Senate.  They lost, even with the full throttled support of the  mainstream media and soft-ball interviews that were edited to make Kamala Harris look good (or actually, not as bad).  They lost even with massive amounts of money being thrown at them by celebrities and George Soros types of supporters.  Billions of dollars pissed away like only Democrats can piss money away.  Today they are drowning in their own mendacity and incompetence as they review the past several months.   To add to it all, the local Democrat leadership in California and Los Angeles have proven that even at the local level of governing the Democrat party is incapable.  Fires rage through Los Angeles this month at an astonishing rate and we're told the fire hydrants were not working.  Fires in California are like hurricanes in Florida,  they are going to happen,  and yet we discover as they rage through homes, mansions and businesses that the city was not prepared for the firestorm that is raging even today as I write this blog.  The stories I hear are the reservoirs of LA were not even filled after two years of record rains.  Budgets for fire prevention were cut to make way for support of illegal immigrants and the DEI experiment that the Marxist wing of their party shoved down our country's throat for four years.   I will not bore the reader with all the rumors and finger-pointing going on right now, but "true to form" their Democrat governor "Gavin Newsom" is accepting NO responsibility for the situation 'nor is the mayor of LA who cries racism if anyone suggests she failed miserably and absolutely.  

    That denial, that lack of personal responsibility, that lack of preparedness and that absolute incompetence is what the Democrat party is today.  It's always somebody else's fault.  It's global warming, it's white people, it's white privilege, it's asian privilege, it's hispanic machismo, it's climate change deniers, it's misogyny, it's....  The list goes on and on, but keep in mind it's never the Democrat party itself OR the Democrat party member themselves.  They are the party that pities the violent offender because he or she had a "rough upbringing".   They pity the illegal immigrant because they are poor and dark skinned.  Nevermind that they could stay in their own country and work to change things THERE.  We're not sending them to prison folks, we're sending them to their own damn country !!  They "virtue signal" because expressing pity is so easy and cheap and it requires nothing of the one that pities- except- well- pity.  The irony is that pity, that emotion they feel for the "underprivileged" is in itself a form of racism.  What they're saying is they- ALL people of color are incapable of succeeding in our society and need their "help" to get by.  They need retribution for past wrongs from centuries ago, as an example.   That is the worst form of racism, the one that sees them as lesser people that need protection and extra "help".  How insulting is that when you think about it ?  

     Their greed for power and control of government at the expense of those in society and communities that really DO want to help is who they are.  Witness their defense of a crack-head threatening a subway of innocent people in New York City.  Witness their defense of violent immigrants sucking at the tit of government - a group of millions of people who broke into our country lured by free support from these very traitors.  Witness their disregard for laws that get in the way of their power.  Witness their insistence on "no voting restrictions" - a concept that gives their party a clear advantage and ability to cheat because illegal immigrants are going to vote for them-  the hand that feeds them.  Witness their ever-present support from the legacy media that benefits from a powerful Democrat party because they are much more able to curry favor in government halls for their sponsors.   That's their game after all, to control the purse strings and redistribute as long as redistribution starts with them !   In addition, the media is looking for the "first" this and the "first" that.  They are looking to alarm the people with horror stories of how bad things are - it sells newspapers (so to speak) and yields' clicks.  

     At the end of the day they are without truth, justice or liberty.  They are about themselves and their egos and their money and they don't care what decent people they trample to get to all of it. They are despicable traitors to our country.  IMHO 

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