By Chuck Marshall
I've written about Climate Change before in this blog and I've always felt it is a concern to be addressed. Now, as we see how much the *Silent Tyrants of contemporary society cling to Global Warming (aka Climate Change) as the "boogey man" behind all things that go bad in the weather I have suspicions that it has been an "accepted science" only by a "preferred" circle of scientists. We're led to believe weather problems did not exist before internal combustion. The fact is that hurricanes, wild-fires, tornadoes, rainstorms, snowstorms, and ALL bad weather have always existed on our planet. I'm no longer totally convinced it's a consequence of my Ford Edge sitting innocently in my driveway. Let me amend that last statement. I see it as inconclusive. Maybe it is, maybe it is not. I want to hear the debate openly spoken without the muzzle that the Silent Tyrants place on any outside thoughts on the matter. They repeatedly insist "it's accepted science" but my understanding is it is "accepted" by some but not necessarily all climate scientists. As I understand the matter, the government literally WILL NOT fund any scientist that does not accept Global Warming as a "real thing". If you want government funding, then you better at least pretend you're "on board" for Climate Change. I've seen many posts on social media that demonstrate the science of "global warming" is NOT settled. For example, Al Gore, the Democrat VP under President Bill Clinton is the one that started this trend in his book "An Inconvenient Truth". He demonstrated with table after table in his presentations and movie (of the same name) back in the early 2000's of alarming predictions regarding a melted North Pole and flooded coastal cities. Most of his predictions should have happened several years ago. It's 2025, but here we are and much of it has not happened. His predictions were wrong. Does that mean GW is not true ? No, it means there needs to be open debate regarding the severity of global warming between intelligent independent thinkers and not ideas handed down by the Silent Tyrants. Let it be discussed and stop shrieking at anyone who dares to question the situation. When people refuse to even hear another opinion, that's when I know to look closer and think for myself. It's as American as apple pie, but may all people of our planet partake of this; think and speak freely.
*The Silent Tyrants are what I refer to as the oppressors of mankind, the Marxists of the 21st century. I use to refer to this group in this blog as "Mad King George" - a historical reference to the King of England when American fought for its independence from the UK. Many on the right refer to them as "Deep State"- but I think that misses the mark because it implies it's all behind the government, but the reality is it's much broader. I now see Silent Tyrants as a better moniker. Whether it be corrupt government, greedy corporations, sanctimonious talking heads of the mass media, or condescending academia. All are strung together, whether by intent or organically (does it matter which?) as an entity of people bent on their own welfare at the expense of free thought and action among the ordinary person. Their motto might be "We know better than you the people". But, by far the best comparison and the best word to describe their philosophy in terms of modern politics and world philosophy is Marxism.
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