Friday, January 17, 2025

The Democrat Party : Incompetent and Traitorous

 By CE Marshall

                                               The Face of the Democrat Party

     These days the Democrats are struggling mightily after losing badly in the last election to a convicted felon (via a Kangaroo court of their creation).  This included losing the popular vote by over 2 Million votes and losing all 7 swing states (as the media deemed them).  They lost the House of Representatives.  They lost the Senate.  They lost, even with the full throttled support of the  mainstream media and soft-ball interviews that were edited to make Kamala Harris look good (or actually, not as bad).  They lost even with massive amounts of money being thrown at them by celebrities and George Soros types of supporters.  Billions of dollars pissed away like only Democrats can piss money away.  Today they are drowning in their own mendacity and incompetence as they review the past several months.   To add to it all, the local Democrat leadership in California and Los Angeles have proven that even at the local level of governing the Democrat party is incapable.  Fires rage through Los Angeles this month at an astonishing rate and we're told the fire hydrants were not working.  Fires in California are like hurricanes in Florida,  they are going to happen,  and yet we discover as they rage through homes, mansions and businesses that the city was not prepared for the firestorm that is raging even today as I write this blog.  The stories I hear are the reservoirs of LA were not even filled after two years of record rains.  Budgets for fire prevention were cut to make way for support of illegal immigrants and the DEI experiment that the Marxist wing of their party shoved down our country's throat for four years.   I will not bore the reader with all the rumors and finger-pointing going on right now, but "true to form" their Democrat governor "Gavin Newsom" is accepting NO responsibility for the situation 'nor is the mayor of LA who cries racism if anyone suggests she failed miserably and absolutely.  

    That denial, that lack of personal responsibility, that lack of preparedness and that absolute incompetence is what the Democrat party is today.  It's always somebody else's fault.  It's global warming, it's white people, it's white privilege, it's asian privilege, it's hispanic machismo, it's climate change deniers, it's misogyny, it's....  The list goes on and on, but keep in mind it's never the Democrat party itself OR the Democrat party member themselves.  They are the party that pities the violent offender because he or she had a "rough upbringing".   They pity the illegal immigrant because they are poor and dark skinned.  Nevermind that they could stay in their own country and work to change things THERE.  We're not sending them to prison folks, we're sending them to their own damn country !!  They "virtue signal" because expressing pity is so easy and cheap and it requires nothing of the one that pities- except- well- pity.  The irony is that pity, that emotion they feel for the "underprivileged" is in itself a form of racism.  What they're saying is they- ALL people of color are incapable of succeeding in our society and need their "help" to get by.  They need retribution for past wrongs from centuries ago, as an example.   That is the worst form of racism, the one that sees them as lesser people that need protection and extra "help".  How insulting is that when you think about it ?  

     Their greed for power and control of government at the expense of those in society and communities that really DO want to help is who they are.  Witness their defense of a crack-head threatening a subway of innocent people in New York City.  Witness their defense of violent immigrants sucking at the tit of government - a group of millions of people who broke into our country lured by free support from these very traitors.  Witness their disregard for laws that get in the way of their power.  Witness their insistence on "no voting restrictions" - a concept that gives their party a clear advantage and ability to cheat because illegal immigrants are going to vote for them-  the hand that feeds them.  Witness their ever-present support from the legacy media that benefits from a powerful Democrat party because they are much more able to curry favor in government halls for their sponsors.   That's their game after all, to control the purse strings and redistribute as long as redistribution starts with them !   In addition, the media is looking for the "first" this and the "first" that.  They are looking to alarm the people with horror stories of how bad things are - it sells newspapers (so to speak) and yields' clicks.  

     At the end of the day they are without truth, justice or liberty.  They are about themselves and their egos and their money and they don't care what decent people they trample to get to all of it. They are despicable traitors to our country.  IMHO 

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Silent Tyrants and Climate Change

 By Chuck Marshall


                                                        ALL AMERICAN APPLE PIE 

     I've written about Climate Change before in this blog and I've always felt it is a concern to be addressed.  Now, as we see how much the *Silent Tyrants of contemporary society cling to Global Warming (aka Climate Change) as the "boogey man" behind all things that go bad in the weather I have suspicions that it has been an "accepted science" only by a "preferred" circle of scientists.  We're led to believe weather problems did not exist before internal combustion.  The fact is that hurricanes, wild-fires, tornadoes, rainstorms,  snowstorms, and ALL bad weather have always existed on our planet.  I'm no longer totally convinced it's a consequence of my Ford Edge sitting innocently in my driveway.   Let me amend that last statement.   I see it as inconclusive.  Maybe it is, maybe it is not.   I want to hear the debate openly spoken without the muzzle that the Silent Tyrants place on any outside thoughts on the matter.   They repeatedly insist "it's accepted science" but my understanding is it is "accepted" by some but not necessarily  all climate scientists.   As I understand the matter, the government literally WILL NOT fund any scientist that does not accept Global Warming as a "real thing".    If you want government funding, then you better at least pretend you're "on board" for Climate Change.  I've seen many posts on social media that demonstrate the science of "global warming" is NOT settled.  For example, Al Gore, the  Democrat VP under President Bill Clinton is the one that started this trend in his book "An Inconvenient Truth".  He demonstrated with table after table in his presentations and movie (of the same name)  back in the early 2000's of alarming predictions regarding a melted North Pole and flooded coastal cities.  Most of his predictions should have happened several years ago.  It's 2025, but here we are and much of it has not happened.  His predictions were wrong.  Does that mean GW is not true ?  No, it means there needs to be open debate regarding the severity of global warming between intelligent independent thinkers and not ideas handed down by the Silent Tyrants.  Let it be discussed and stop shrieking at anyone who dares to question the situation.  When people refuse to even hear another opinion, that's when I know to look closer and think for myself.  It's as American as apple pie, but may all people of our planet partake of this;  think and speak freely.    

*The Silent Tyrants are what I refer to as the oppressors of mankind, the Marxists of the 21st century.  I use to refer to this group in this blog as "Mad King George" - a historical reference to the King of England when American fought for its independence from the UK.   Many on the right refer to them as "Deep State"- but I think that misses the mark because it implies it's all behind the government, but the reality is it's much broader.  I now see Silent Tyrants as a better moniker.  Whether it be corrupt government,   greedy corporations, sanctimonious talking heads of the mass media,  or condescending academia.  All are strung together, whether by intent or organically (does it matter which?) as an entity of people bent on their own welfare at the expense of free thought and action among the ordinary person.   Their motto might be "We know better than you the people".   But, by far the best comparison and the best word to describe their philosophy in terms of modern politics and world philosophy is Marxism. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Marshall in the Middle to Change to "An American Voice"

 By CE Marshall


     Dear loyal readers-- 

     As you may have noticed I've been rather hard on the Democrat party this past few blog posts.  Many people have commented to me "You're not moderate Chuck, you're far right".   While I dispute that, I have to admit my opinion of the Democrat party could not get any lower and my opinion of the Republican party is - at this point in history- that they are our only hope to bring power back to the people.  I always think about George Washington's disdain for the idea of political parties- and I think he was right- however the horse is out of the barn, and it's all we have to work with at this point.   I began this blog back in 2008 with the intention of being a moderate political commentator- A voice for Independents.    The years have passed and I've observed the federal government get worse and worse, larger and larger, more and more intrusive.  The people are no longer treated as the sovereign.  Even though the population is more and more Independent I can see that there really is no hope for the Independents to gain power and drive the country in a new direction.  They have no leader.  You can't have a movement without a strong leader.  The Republicans have a leader - Donald Trump- who seems to have intentions of removing the power away from Mad King George (my term for the ruling elites of our society- Academia, Corporate Media, Hollywood, Big Food, Big Pharma, etc....)   My highest hope is for a new Convention of States to draw power back to the states through the Constitution.   This movement is known as the Convention of States Movement.  I don't see any other path to firmly re-establishing the people as the sovereign of our country.   Many in Trump's cabinet and his Vice President- JD Vance- support the COS movement.  I see no reason to pretend I'm "in the middle" as the general population defines it.  I still feel my philosophy is to see both sides in any situation, however,  I do not see anything positive regarding the Democrat party today.  I see them as unjust and an enemy of the American people.  They are friends to whoever brings them more votes and power.  That is not a  group of people interested in justice.  This is a group of people who are totally "for sale".  As a consequence of this,   I can no longer write a blog entitled "Marshall in the Middle" in regards to the two main American political parties.   It is officially a misnomer.  As of the New Year, 2025- this blog will be titled "An American Voice".  Same internet address, different title.    

Thank you for reading,  and God Bless America    

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Thursday, December 12, 2024

A Tale of Two Killers

 By CE Marshall 

     Dear Loyal Readers -  

     Today, I elaborate on the stories of the week-  two men accused of killing another human being- and the comparison and contrast to the reactions from the left-wing of our society under the leadership of the Democrat party.  Let me be clear on where this blog is going.  I have concluded that they are the Marxists of the United States today.  They seek victims to deceive and drag down any sort of decency that speaks truth in order to maintain their power and influence.  

           The Daniel Penny trial ended this week.  This young man was found innocent of criminal negligence for the death of a crack-head schizophrenic from whom he was protecting an entire subway car.   He basically stepped up to defend a subway full of frightened New Yorkers from a lunatic threatening to kill them.  He held the man in a choke-hold and the man ended up dying.  The intent of Daniel was to protect people.  A jury heard all the details of the killing and concluded he did not act with negligence and today he is a free man.  I trust that the jury made the right decision- they went through the process of a court hearing.   I was not there to give my full opinion on the matter.   Today, the left sees him as a bad person because he's white and the man that died was black.  The black guy's parents appeared out of nowhere after neglecting their son for years (as I understand it) trying to squeeze money out of the situation regarding their poor departed son whom they abandoned to the world of homelessness.  Black Lives Matter crawls out to demand justice as if the jury was wrong and the verdict was all wrong.  They know better, I guess ?   Their  name- Black Lives Matter- is a subtle insult to black people themselves and serves the Democrat/Marxists well in that it creates another mindset that dwells on victimhood.  "Whitey hates you and you need us to survive" should be it's tag line.  

     In contrast to Daniel Penny this week is the "alleged" murderer of the CEO of United Healthcare.  His name is Luigi Mangione who the left is touting as a "hunky" guy.  Liberal women are swooning his  good looks and his abs.  This disturbed young man who seems to have lost his mind over the last few months is celebrated by the MSM and late night talk-show hosts as if he's some sort of Robin Hood or social justice hero.  He shot a man in the back on the streets of New York !  A man who did nothing to him personally.  A man who had a family that loved him.  That family  is now watching all this on national TV being broadcast.  Their loved one was murdered and the man believed responsible has become a talking point of lust and social justice posturing for the left wing of our country.  Can you imagine being his child or his spouse ?  His parent- his mother and/or father ?  His brother or sister and then hearing commentary on how your beloved family member's killer is attractive and "had his reasons" for murdering ?   The MSM or legacy media, or whatever we're supposed to call them-  are subtly defending his actions as somehow "understandable" given the circumstances of the health-care system today.  I bring up the media's reaction to this guy because the mainstream media IS the Democrat/Marxist party.  They are one in the same.  Their groveling and grotesque comments regarding this guy who shot a man in the back on the streets of New York is such a clear picture of the two tales we have today regarding the Democrat party.  They have no morals.  They have no decency.  They are after power and the pleasures of the flesh to suit themselves and their epicurean lifestyles.  They are the epitome of deceit and mendacity and a nefarious philosophy.   They are demonic and despicable.  

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Monday, December 2, 2024

The Democrat Party - The Hub of Mendacity

 By CE Marshall

                                                                   Pants on Fire 

     This week the news is out that President Biden has pardoned his son from federal prosecution.  Not prosecution for what he has already been charged with,  but with ANYTHING that he may have done against federal law over the last 10 years.  This after Mr. President said repeatedly he would not pardon his son and after his press secretary said he would not pardon his son- over and over and over- "no he won't do that because he believes nobody is above the law".   Yesterday, he did that.   Actually, he did much more than that.  ANYTHING that he might have done is pardoned !  If that's not preferential treatment I don't know what is.  He IS above the law as it turns out. 

     The Democrat Party- the party of liars.  Neither I 'nor anyone with much intelligence is surprised by this but it still is such a blatant lie that it's hard for even his cheerleaders in the legacy press to ignore.  As all of you know, dear readers, the Legacy media aka Corporate Media, etc... are joined at the hip with the Democrat party and really have been for quite a while ( I would say going all the way back to Watergate when Nixon's sins were pursued where a Democrat that did the same thing would have been given a "pass".)  In this blog I have often lumped the Democrat party with the media and academia and Hollywood and big pharmaceutical, big food,  lobbyists,  etc....  as being "Mad King George",  drawing the parallel to King George of England during our revolution.  I think it might be more accurate to simply refer to them all as the Democrat Party because the Democrat party is the hub of the "spokes of mendacity" and corruption that is Washington, DC.  It wouldn't happen, these wheels would not turn without the Democrat party.  

     There needs to be a full investigation regarding all that Biden business dealings with the Ukraine and China.  Any government actions that gave preference to the Democrats over the Republicans whether through "lawfare" aka using the courts to prosecute political enemies or using government agencies to give preferential treatment to Democrats should be recognized and actions should be taken to remove these actors from power and perhaps put then in prison where they belong.  If it's bad enough, the Democrat party needs to be dissolved and a new left-wing party can rise and step into their shoes as a voice for people with such opinions- one that's leftist but still stands for America.  They are no longer a party for America, they are a party of deceitful elitists and the global establishment that use the government as a weapon against the people.   They are the problem..... In my humble opinion.  

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