Saturday, December 30, 2017

Marshall in the Middle to Remain Marshall in the Middle

By Chuck Marshall

     In a previous blog post I mentioned my quandary "do I change the  name of my blog?".  The reason being I feel my political persuasion has shifted to the right for various reasons.  As I considered this I remembered I named it  for the purpose of representing the "middle" of America politically,   but I also- and perhaps even more passionately- named it for the purpose of speaking for the "middle class" of America.  So, while my political persuasion is "right of center", my heart still lies with the struggling middle class and it probably will forever.  In addition, much of my political thought these days is an urgent feeling that we need compromise.  I don't agree with a lot of leftist ideas and solutions for solving our nations problems and challenges, but I do believe that an effective government needs to compromise with other ways of seeing things so that all citizens feel they have some say in the way the nation is run.  With compromise we all have "buy in" for the approaches to the challenges of society, policy and finding solutions to the problems of this Republic. So, I conclude, Marshall in the Middle will remain.   

Have a good day. 


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